
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today's lesson, we will work on explaining symptoms so you can get the proper treatment and any medicine you need.

Lesson focus

In French, "I have a headache." is J'ai mal à la tête.
J'ai mal à la tête.
Let’s break it down by syllable: J'ai mal à la tête.
One more time: J'ai mal à la tête.
First we have J'ai meaning “I have,” as we have learned.
This is followed by mal which in French is literally "bad." But in this context, it’s something like “pain.”
And, mal
So to recap, we have J'ai mal which literally means "I have pain."
Let’s take a look at the next word, à, which in this context means "in."
And, à
This is followed by la, which in French means "the" in the feminine form.
And, la
Lastly, we have tête, which in French is "head."
And, tête
So all together we have J'ai mal à la tête. literally this means "I have pain in the head."
We'll look at some more phrases with the same pattern; namely, "I have" stays the same and only the symptom changes. So let's go over some other symptoms. In French, the word for "fever" is la fièvre.
And, fièvre
The phrase "I have a fever" is J'ai une fièvre.
"I have a stomachache."
J'ai mal à l'estomac.
"I have a cold."
J'ai le rhume.
le rhume.
le rhume.
"I have a sore throat."
J'ai mal à la gorge.
la gorge
la gorge
"I have a stuffed nose."
J'ai le nez bouché.
le nez bouché.
le nez bouché.
"I have heartburn."
J'ai des brûlures d'estomac.
des brûlures d'estomac
des brûlures d'estomac
The next phrase may be hard to listen to, but if it happens to you, you'll be extremely glad we went over it. In French, the expression "I have diarrhea." is J'ai la diarrhée. with the word for "diarrhea" being la diarrhée.
la diarrhée
la diarrhée
Today's phrase J'ai mal is all you will need to tell people where you are in pain. We can simply say J'ai mal and then say the part of the body that hurts.
Even simpler, point to the body part that hurts and say J'ai mal ici. "I hurts here."
J'ai mal ici.


Okay, to close out this lesson, we'd like you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for shouting it aloud. You have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so bonne chance, that means “good luck” in French. Ok, here we go!
“I have a headache.” - J'ai mal à la tête.
J'ai mal à la tête.
J'ai mal à la tête.
“I have a fever.” - J'ai de la fièvre.
J'ai de la fièvre.
J'ai de la fièvre.
“I have diarrhea.” - J'ai la diarrhée.
J'ai la diarrhée.
J'ai la diarrhée.
“I hurt here.” - J'ai mal ici.
J'ai mal ici.
J'ai mal ici.
This is the end of today’s lesson. See you soon! À bientôt!

