
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sam: The Best Place to Shop for Days! In this lesson, you’ll learn about the days of the week and the indefinite pronoun Quelqu'un.
Celine: The conversation ends up between Alice and her co-worker, Zacharie, in the office.
Sam: The speakers know each other, therefore, they’ll be speaking informally.
Lazy Zacharie: Oh, c’est lundi, aujourd’hui!
Wiz Alice: Oui lundi. Et demain mardi, et après-demain mercredi!
Lazy Zacharie: Puis jeudi et vendredi.
Wiz Alice: Bravo Zacharie ! Et le week-end, samedi et dimanche.
Lazy Zacharie: Oh, oh
Sam: One more time, slowly.
Female: Encore une fois lentement.
Male: Quelqu’un arrive.
Lazy Zacharie: Oh, c’est lundi, aujourd’hui!
Wiz Alice: Oui lundi. Et demain mardi, et après-demain mercredi!
Lazy Zacharie: Puis jeudi et vendredi.
Wiz Alice: Bravo Zacharie! Et le week-end, samedi et dimanche.
Lazy Zacharie: Oh, oh quelqu’un arrive!
Sam: One more time with the English.
Female: Encore une fois avec l’anglais.
Lazy Zacharie: Oh, c’est lundi, aujourd’hui! “Oh, it’s Monday today.”
Wiz Alice: Oui lundi. Et demain mardi, et après-demain mercredi! “Yes, it’s Monday. And tomorrow—Tuesday, and after tomorrow—Wednesday!”
Lazy Zacharie: Puis jeudi et vendredi. “Then, Thursday and Friday.”
Wiz Alice: Bravo Zacharie ! Et le week-end, samedi et dimanche. “Bravo, Zacharie! And the weekend—Saturday and Sunday!”
Lazy Zacharie: Oh, oh quelqu’un arrive! “Oh, oh, someone’s coming!”
Sam: Hi guys, I have a question for you.
Celine: Oui.
Christophe: oui Sam.
Sam: So there are several holidays in the calendar. Have you ever mistakenly gone to school on a holiday and found that no one is at school?
Celine: Maybe once, une fois.
Sam: How did you feel?
Celine: Happy! Really happy.
Christophe: Happy to go to school?
Celine: No, no, happy to not to go to school. I mean, it’s okay.
Sam: But weren’t you disappointed there are no lessons that day?
Celine: No. Jamais. Tu plaisantes. Okay. But for example, on Mondays, you have to know this is really useful. On Mondays in France, banks are closed. So you should just go on Friday morning because Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, everything is closed.
Sam: So go to the ATM before Saturday.
Celine: No, ATM is okay. ATM is open but just banks.
Sam: Banking service.
Celine: Oui banking service. I think that some head dressers and also restaurants.
Sam: Closed on Monday.
Celine: Oui some of them.
Sam: Now let’s look at the vocabulary and phrases from this lesson. The first item is…
Celine: Demain [natural native speed].
Sam: Tomorrow.
Celine: Demain [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Demain [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Christophe: Mercredi.
Sam: Wednesday.
Christophe: Mercredi. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Mercredi. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Celine: Après-demain [natural native speed].
Sam: The day after tomorrow.
Celine: Après-demain [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Après-demain [natural native speed]..
Sam: Next…
Christophe: Puis [natural native speed].
Sam: Then.
Christophe: Puis [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Puis [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Celine: Jeudi.
Sam: Tuesday.
Celine: Jeudi. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Jeudi. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Christophe: Vendredi.
Sam: Friday.
Christophe: Vendredi. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Vendredi. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Celine: Samedi.
Sam: Saturday.
Celine: Samedi. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Samedi. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Christophe: Dimanche.
Sam: Sunday.
Christophe: Dimanche. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Dimanche. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Celine: Quelqu'un [natural native speed].
Sam: Someone.
Celine: Quelqu'un [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Quelqu'un [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Christophe: Arriver [natural native speed].
Sam: To arrive.
Christophe: Arriver. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Arriver. [natural native speed]
Sam: Well, listeners, we have a few of the days here but not all of them. However, if you listen to the review track, you’ll hear all seven days with the pronunciation and the English. Now let’s look at the vocabulary usage from this lesson.
Celine: Encore une bonne idée Sam. So the first word is “puis”.
Christophe: “Puis” is an adverb indicating a sequence. It means “after” but it’s also translated as “then.”
Sam: An example, please.
Celine: Je travaille un peu puis je me repose beaucoup.
Sam: “I work a little, then I rest a lot.” I see you practice something that’s very important, rest thing. So guys, we saw the word puis in our dialogue.
Celine: Oui Sam Sam. Actually, in the dialogue, Alice just say “Tomorrow is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow is Wednesday”, and Zachary said, “Then, puis.” So, “Then, Thursday and Friday.”
Sam: So they used them like a sequential order.
Celine: Tout à fait.
Sam: Okay.
Celine: So the next word is quelqu'un.
Sam: Okay, quelqu'un. Where did we see that in the conversation? But first of all, what does quelqu'un mean?
Christophe: It means “someone.” It is a pronoun to name a person with identities unknown.
Celine: Oui in the dialogue, Zachary says, quelqu’un arrive. “somebody’s coming.” Somebody.
Sam: We don’t know who, though.
Celine: No, we don’t know.
Sam: What a mystery.
Celine: So the following word is “après-demain”.
Sam: “The day after tomorrow.”
Celine: So it’s a time indicator which literally means “after tomorrow.”
Sam: So for example, if today was Thursday, après-demain would be Saturday.
Christophe: The last word is arriver.
Celine: This is a regular verb from the first verb group.
Sam: Okay. So we saw the phrase in our dialogue.
Christophe: Oh, quelqu’un arrive.
Celine: Yes, someone is coming.
Sam: Yeah. We’re standing here and someone’s coming towards us.
Celine: Exactement. There’s another usage. “Arrive” can also means to arrive from where you are to a specific destination. An example, “j’arrive chez toi dans une heure”.
Sam: It literally means “I come to your house in one hour.” In that example, I’m the one that’s moving.
Celine: This verb puts emphasis on the displacement and more specifically on the destination.
Sam: Tout à fait.
Celine: Bravo. Mais il dit “tout à fait”. That’s my word.
Sam: Let’s move on to some grammar.
Celine: Let’s move on.

Lesson focus

Sam: Yes! Hey, guys, during this lesson, we encounter quite an intriguing word, quelqu’un. Could you tell us more about it, Christophe?
Christophe: Bien sûr. Quelqu’un is quite an intriguing word of the indefinite pronoun.
Celine: There are two types of indefinite pronouns – the ones indicating singularity, and the other suggesting quantity zero.
Sam: Could you tell us about each one of them?
Celine: Sure. When you cannot identify something in particular, you would use quelque chose.
Christophe: For example, quelque chose est tombé.
Sam: “Something fell.”
Celine: To single out a person, you will use quelqu’un.
Sam: Are there other ways to express singularity?
Christophe: Yes. To add the information of no matter who, what, or which”, use n’importe qui, n’importe quoi, and n’importe lequel.
Celine: Let’s say I’m talking to no matter who and you want to single out the person, you would say tu parles à n’importe qui.
Sam: Literally, you talk to anyone? I got it. Okay. What about the quantity zero?
Christophe: To talk about something or a person which is not there, the word rien, personne, and aucun are used.
Celine: Let’s say you want to indicate the absence of things, you would use rien. Par exemple, rien n’est prêt.
Sam: “Nothing is ready.”
Christophe: For people use “personne” as in personne n’est là.
Sam: “Nobody or anyone is there.”
Celine: Aucun is a bit different. It is used with a noun to single out that each person or thing is being absent.
Christophe: For example, Il n’y a aucun livre disponible.
Celine: “There’s no book available.”
Sam: Oh, c’est dommage.
Celine: Oui moi je voulais lire aussi. Did you notice, Sam, that I always say “n’importe quoi”.
Sam: Yes.
Celine: So you know the meaning, right? It’s used to make a comment with c’est n’importe quoi. It means “nonsense.”
Sam: Literally?
Celine: Oui.
Sam: Okay.
Celine: Mais vous dormez ou quoi?
Christophe: Non non moi je…
Celine: Are you sleeping?
Sam: No, I’m eating. Peanut butter and jelly.
Celine: Okay. Allez.


Sam: But anyway, this is a good place to end today’s lesson. So, until next time.
Celine: A bientôt!
Christophe: A bientôt!
Sam: A la prochaine!


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Please to leave a comment.
2008-08-27 18:30:00

Hmmm jeudi because it's the happy hour day! Which day is your lucky day?

2018-12-20 20:04:18

Bonjour Highschool et merci pour votre message !

N'importe quoi = nonsense

C'est n'importe quoi = it's nonsense

Dire n'importe quoi = to talk nonsense, talk rubbish

Bonne journée

Marie Alice


2018-12-11 19:36:43

I don't understand what the concept of n'importe quoi is? In the lesson Sam said that it literally means, talking to anyone!

I don't understand, could you please help me with that?

2014-06-12 18:26:16

Hello Timothy,

Thank you for commenting and for giving us your feedback!

We added the missing transcript already.

Please, let us know if you have any question.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,


Team FrenchPod101.com

2014-06-05 05:25:56


What happened to the Lesson Transcripts on this page? They're not in the .pdf drop down menu.

Should I look for them somewhere else?

2013-08-30 12:06:06

Bonjour Janelle !

Perfect French!

Bravo! C'est parfait !

J'aime bien tous les jours, mais surtout samedi et dimanche... Peut-être parce que c'est le weekend !

J'aime bien les chats noirs, moi !

Merci pour ton commentaire!



Team FrenchPod101.com

2013-08-28 23:38:53

hmm jeudi parce que j'aime la façon dont il sonne.:smile:

Hmm Thursday because I like the way it sounds.

Je ne suis pas superstiteuse

I am not superstitious

2010-07-21 09:20:51

C'est vrai dans le doute, pourquoi ne pas tenter !

J ai un chat noir et heureusement il ne me porte pas mal chance!

Mais il miaule beaucoup... même le matin. C est pratique, c'est comme un réveil!

Et toi tu te réveilles aussi sur les bruits d'un animal de compagnie ? un chien qui aboit peut-être ?

2010-07-16 00:14:47

lundi parce que c'est le jour que je ne travail pas.

je ne suis pas superstitieuse, mais quelque fois, moi aussi, je pense "on ne sait jamais"...

mais je ne croix absolument que les chats noires portent malchance!

2010-02-21 02:36:13

Bonjour MF

Oh oh tu as raison. Je pense que cést une erreur de l'éditeur qui ne parle pas français ! Je vais rajouter une note dans le PDF.


2010-02-20 11:46:01

i think you made a mistake in the vocabulary part of the podcast and said that 'jeudi' is tuesday rather than thursday

2008-09-02 11:51:01

Je ne pense pas être superstitieuse mais parfois je me dis "bon on ne sait jamais..." alors quand je renverse du sel sur la table, je jete du sel par dessus mon épaule pour conjurer le mauvais sort ou parce que tout le monde le fait chez moi !

Comme disait Baudelaire : "La superstition est le réservoir de toutes les vérités."

2008-09-02 01:45:09

Bonjour Munia

I'm not superstitious or only when it suits me! ;)

I will definitely not arrange my life around superstitions! What a draaag....!!!! By the way, I have a black cat, so I guess that tells you something!

Do you live according to superstitions?

2008-08-28 20:12:59

I'm not superstitious at all. I don't have a lucky number or day, and I don't believe that breaking mirrors or black cats bring you bad luck. Superstitions are interesting to me, but only from a cultural point of view.

2008-08-28 11:35:17

Bonjour jacqueline

It's been a while! Maybe you have a specific lucky number, color, stone, or plant?

My grand-mother used to say the number 6 was one. It followed her all her life (house number, important dates in her life etc)

how about you do you have anything lucky? Are you superstitious?

2008-08-27 23:41:01

Vendredi ou lundi peut- être
