
Vocabulary (Review)

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Virginie: Salut! Bonjour.
Eric: Eric here!
Virginie: [*] The Most Intuitive French Verb - You Cannot Live Without it! In this lesson you will learn how to say where you live.
Eric: And how to ask others where they live.
Virginie: I think Rob is starting to like that girl Sarah.
Eric: Right. So in this dialog they're getting a cup of coffee in a café.
Virginie: And that's right after the museum visit.
Eric: And since they've been chatting for awhile, they can now speak informally. Okay, so let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Sarah: Tu habites à Paris?
Rob: Oui, j’habite à Belleville*. Et toi?
Sarah: Non, je n’habite pas à Paris.
Rob: Tu habites où?
Sarah: À Toulouse.
*Belleville est un quartier de Paris. Toulouse est une ville au sud de la France.
Eric: One more time with the translation.
Sarah: Tu habites à Paris?
Virginie: Do you live in Paris?
Rob: Oui, j’habite à Belleville*. Et toi?
Eric: Yes, I live in Belleville*. What about you?
Sarah: Non, je n’habite pas à Paris.
Virginie: No, I don’t live in Paris.
Rob: Tu habites où?
Eric: Where do you live?
Sarah: À Toulouse.
Virginie: In Toulouse*.
*Belleville est un quartier de Paris. Toulouse est une ville au sud de la France.
*Belleville is a neighborhood in Paris. Toulouse is a Southwestern city in France.
Eric: So, Sarah is from Toulouse?
Virginie: Yes.
Eric: And you are from Toulouse. What a coincidence!
Virginie: Ahah. Well a lot of people are from Toulouse, it's quite a big city.
Eric: Really. How many people are there?
Virginie: Over a million inhabitants.
Eric: That's pretty big. What is Toulouse known for?
Virginie: For many things. The aerospace industry, Airbus, but also its cassoulet!
Eric: Cassoulet, it's a dish, right?
Virginie: Yes it's a regional dish from Toulouse. It's a casserole of white beans and duck.
Eric: Wow. That sounds delicious! But where is Toulouse?
Virginie: It's in South Western France.
Eric: Wow, I'm still thinking about that cassoulet. But let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Virginie: Je / j' [natural native speed]
Eric: I.
Virginie: Je / j' [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Je / j' [natural native speed]
Eric: And.
Virginie: Tu [natural native speed]
Eric: You (informal).
Virginie: Tu [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Tu [natural native speed]
Eric: Next.
Virginie: Et toi [natural native speed]
Eric: And you.
Virginie: Et toi [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Et toi [natural native speed]
Eric: Next.
Virginie: Habiter [natural native speed]
Eric: To reside, to live
Virginie: Habiter [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Habiter [natural native speed]
Eric: Okay.
Virginie: Oui [natural native speed]
Eric: Yes.
Virginie: Oui [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Oui [natural native speed]
Eric: And.
Virginie: Non [natural native speed]
Eric: No.
Virginie: Non [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Non [natural native speed]
Eric: Next.
Virginie: à [natural native speed]
Eric: At or to.
Virginie: à [slowly - broken down by syllable]. à [natural native speed]
Eric: Okay, great. So, let's have a closer look at this lesson.
Virginie: Right. The first words we’ll look at are....
Eric: Oui and non! Yes and No!!
Virginie: The word Yes, ""oui"", was in a previous dialog.
Eric: And now we have the word ""non"", which means no.
Virginie: That's good to know.
Eric: Right. So what about Belleville? Is this a city in France?
Virginie: Oh, no. That's a neighborhood in Paris.
Eric: Oh, I don't think I've ever been there. Where is that?
Virginie: It's in the North East part of Paris, in the 20th arrondissement, the 20th area.
Eric: So, Paris is divided in 20 arrondissments.
Virginie: Yes, it's sort of like little towns within the city.
Eric: Ikay. So, is Belleville a nice neighborhood?
Virginie: It's one of my favorite! It's very authentic, and there are a lot of small French cafes.
Eric: And people play the accordion?
Virginie: Exactly. If you go to Paris I highly recommend you visit Belleville.

Lesson focus

Eric: Okay. So, the grammar focus of this lesson is on the verb habiter.
Virginie: Yes and habiter means to live.
Eric: And we will go through the entire conjugation of habiter in the present tense
Virginie: And this way it will give you the conjugation for all verbs that end with ER.
Eric: But first habiter means to live. Let's see how to say I live in...
Virginie: Okay. Rob says in our dialog ""J'habite a Belleville"" I live in Belleville.
Eric: So because the pronoun Je is followed by an H or a vowel, we're going to dropping the e from je. It's going to be J apostrophe.
Virginie: Yes. And the e in JE drops in front of all words starting with an H or starting with a vowel.
Eric: The way to pronounce it is ""J'habite"".
Virginie: Then, did you notice the preposition ""a"" right after J'habite?
Eric: Here it means in, as in I live in Belleville. But you can substitute any neighborhood.
Virginie: And you can also use it for a city. For example J'habite a Paris, I live in Paris.
Eric: J'habite a Moscou. I live in Moscow.
Virginie: Now if you want to say in which country you live, it will be slightly different.
Eric: The preposition changes, right Virginie?
Virginie: Yes it does. Instead of ""a"", you will say ""en"" for feminine countries...
Eric: And au for masculine countries. Now you guys know that even countries have genders in French!!
Virginie: Yes! Let's see one example.
Eric: Okay, a female county first. La France! How do I say I live in France?
Virginie: J'habite en France.
Eric: J'habite en France. Now a male country, Le Japon! Japan.
Virginie: J'habite au Japon, I live in Japan.
Eric: To recap - the habiter is followed by the prep ""a"" when it's a city or a neighborhood,
Virginie: Yes. And it's followed by en when it's a female country.
Eric: And finally followed by au when it's a male country!
Virginie: We're running out of time! We need to give you guys the conjugation of habiter and all the verbs in ER!!
Eric: Okay let's go. J'habite. I live and that end in an e.
Virginie: Tu habites. You live and that ends with es.
Eric: Il/Elle habite. He or she lives and that also ends with an e.
Virginie: Nous habitons. We live and that ends with ons,
Eric: Vous habitez. You live formally or when you're talking to several people, that ends in an ez.
Virginie: And finally, Ils/elles habitent, they live. And that ends with ent.
Eric: Okay remember, all the verbs ending in ER will be following this pattern!
Virginie: Absolutely. I think it's time to go but thank you for listening!


Eric: Yes. That just about does it for today. Okay and thank you for listening. Au revoir!
Virginie: Au revoir! Salut!


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