
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason: Hi everyone, I’m Jason.
Ingrid: And I’m Ingrid!
Jason: Pop and Traditional Culture! In this lesson, you'll learn 5 essential words related to Society &Culture. These are five examples of French 5 traditional culture. Hand picked.
Jason: Ingrid, what’s our first word?
Ingrid: Les yéyés
Jason: "Yéyé" singers
Ingrid: (slow) Les yéyés (regular) Les yéyés
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Les yéyés
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Yéyés singers were the leaders of a new music trend started in the 60's. They sang simple songs, inspired by American music, with a style very different from old classic singers. Some of them like Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan are still popular today.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Le magazine populaire sur les chanteurs yéyé s'appelait "Salut les copains"
Jason: A famous magazine about Yéyé singers was called "Salut les copains" (Hi buddies).
Ingrid: (slow) Le magazine populaire sur les chanteurs yéyé s'appelait "Salut les copains"
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Mai 68
Jason: May 1968
Ingrid: (slow) Mai 68 (regular) Mai 68
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Mai 68
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: May 1968 was a special month for young French people since that was when a "generation revolution" took place. Students and workers did demonstrations in the streets and demanded change.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Quand les français parlent de ce mois spécial, ils parlent de "Mai 68"
Jason: When French people talk about this special month, they call it "Mai 68"
Ingrid: (slow) Quand les français parlent de ce mois spécial, ils parlent de "Mai 68"
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Les Bretons
Jason: People from Britanny
Ingrid: (slow) Les Bretons (regular) Les Bretons
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Les Bretons
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: People from Britanny are usually close to their traditional culture: they promote their regional cooking, and the local language and festivals.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) En Bretagne, les spécialités culinaires sont les crêpes, le cidre et le beurre
Jason: In Britanny, regional specialties are crêpes, cider and butter.
Ingrid: (slow) En Bretagne, les spécialités culinaires sont les crêpes, le cidre et le beurre
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Les Ch'tis
Jason: People from the Nord-Pas-de Calais region (north of France)
Ingrid: (slow) Les Ch'tis (regular) Les Ch'tis
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Les Ch'tis
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: The Ch'tis are people from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. They also have a local language and a specific culture, and are known for being friendly.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Un film français très populaire, qui s'appelle "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" se passe dans cette région du nord.
Jason: A very popular French movie, called "Welcome to Ch'tis”, took place in this northern region.
Ingrid: (slow) Un film français très populaire, qui s'appelle "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" se passe dans cette région du nord.
Jason: Okay, what’s the last word?
Ingrid: Les parisiens
Jason: Parisian people
Ingrid: (slow) Les parisiens (regular) Les parisiens
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Les parisiens
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Parisian people do not have a good reputation among those in other parts of France. They have an image of being impatient, aggressive, and not very friendly. This image is especially common in Marseille, a city that traditionally has a rivalry with Paris.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Les parisiens sont souvent considérés comme des personnes prétentieuses
Jason: Parisians are often considered pretentious.
Ingrid: (slow) Les parisiens sont souvent considérés comme des personnes prétentieuses
Jason: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Ingrid will give you the French – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Ingrid: Les yéyés
[pause]Jason: "Yéyé" singers
Ingrid: Mai 68
[pause]Jason: May 1968
Ingrid: Les Bretons
[pause]Jason: People from Britanny
Ingrid: Les Ch'tis
[pause]Jason: People from the Nord-Pas-de Calais region (north of France)
Ingrid: Les parisiens
[pause]Jason: Parisian people


Jason: There you have it – 5 examples of traditional culture in France! Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Ingrid: À bientôt !

