“It’s so fun that you almost forget you’re learning.”

Welcome to the new section of our blog, The Mail Bag. 

 This is where we’ll share stories from our listeners in the endeavors with French.   We hope stories from fellow students can help motivate and inspire you to begin learning French or give you that extra needed push and renewed sense of strength when you think it’s impossible to get become more proficient!

 Recently we had a contest giving away a FREE 12 month Premium membership.  Meet our winner, Holly:

“I have been studying French since high school and I have always been a bit of a Francophile. I have spent countless dollars on books, CDs, online subscriptions, etc. Although each element helps, I never really felt I could carry on anything but a basic conversation. Then I met my (French) fiancé, and after a whirlwind courtship, he whisked me away to France. The only problem in my story?

I spoke French like a child.

Although I could understand the meaning (mostly) of the French I heard, I didn’t have the confidence to jump into the conversation.

Then I discovered Frenchpod101 on iTunes; I found it so helpful that I subscribed.  I am a visual learner; I need to read what is being said to fully grasp the meaning. But obviously my conversations are verbal and training your ear is just as important for complete comprehension. Frenchpod101 combines both concepts perfectly.

There is such a variety of topics, and all are very useful. (Believe me, I know what French you really need to live in or visit France!) But what truly makes frenchpod101 different is the light and friendly presentation of the material. The hosts are not only educational but entertaining as well. I find myself laughing along with Sylvain, Celine, and Sam during every podcast; it’s so fun that you almost forget you’re learning.

The lesson notes are fantastic in combination with the audio, you have everything: not just the transcript but also grammar, vocab and cultural insights, which really help you understand the French way of life. After using the insights and tips from the website, my new French family can’t stop commenting on my progress.

Even my fiancé is impressed when I use certain real world phrases from the podcast! It really does help me sound more authentic and less like I have spent my education repeating textbook (and usually outdated) phrases.

I highly recommend frenchpod101 to add to your tool box to finally understand not only the language, but the people as well.”

This is an ongoing project, so please share your stories!  You may send these to contactus@frenchpod101.com with the subject line: “Mailbag Story”.  Our favorite stories will win one month of free premium service and be posted here to be shared with others!
Keep studying hard!