Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap!

In this series of mini-lesson tweets on Twitter, we help you perfect your media-related vocabulary in order to beat French people at conversing about the news.  Here is the recap of this week’s phrases for your reference:

“Un éditorial” gives you the paper’s opinion.”L’éditorial est sévère avec le président.”, “The editorial is tough on the president.”

Just so you know, the French for “buzz” is also “un buzz”. “Le discours de Barack Obama a fait un buzz en France.”

Subscribe to “un hebdomadaire” to get news every week. “Time” est un hebdomadaire”, “Time” is a weekly.”

Today’s word “un rédacteur en chef”, “an editor-in-chief”. “Le rédacteur en chef a le dernier mot sur le contenu.”, “The editor-in-chief” has the last word on the content.”

Another word stolen from English: “un blog”. “J’ai un blog sur le fromage”, “I have a blog about cheese.”

Do you watch “la série” “Lost”? Les français adorent la série “Lost”, French people love the show “Lost”.

When you want to watch a different program than what your girlfriend’s watching, you change “la chaîne”, “the channel”.

“Un pigiste” is a freelance writer, often a journalist. “Je suis pigiste pour plusieurs journaux.”, “I am a freelancer for several papers.”

 Any questions? Feel free to ask in the comment section!

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