Do You Remember Your First French Word?

Your first French word.

Remember when you knew no French. At all. Then one day, somewhere, somehow, you learned how to say hello. Suddenly, you could express yourself in another language. And it didn’t stop there.

You learned a few more and picked up some grammar. Word by word, your ability to express yourself in French became greater and greater.

You went from “hello” and “My name is…” to expressing opinions, starting up conversations with native French speakers.

Because of more words.

All the best French speakers understand this one rule: Want to speak advanced French? You need more words.

April is Vocabulary Month, so start speaking more French and get even better! Get 30% OFF all Premium accounts until April 30th!

You’re already getting all of our best lessons and lesson notes.

  • With Premium, you get the Premium tools to help you master all the French words you’ll ever need:
  • 2000 Most Common French Word List – enough for conversational fluency, according to language experts
  • Spaced Repetition Flashcards – study and track your progress as you learn more words
  • Word Bank – save words you encounter in lessons or word lists for later study or export them to Excel
  • Premium Feed – get all of our lessons at the click of a button
  • Line by Line Pronunciation to perfect your pronunciation
  • …and more!
  • Click Here To Get 25% OFF Premium Until April 30th