How to Celebrate Grandmother’s Day in France

For many, a grand-mère (“grandmother”) is a relative of unparalleled consideration and admiration. This is as true in France as it is in numerous countries around the world. Grandmother’s are so loved and respected that the French have dedicated a day just to celebrate them!

By learning about Grandmother’s Day in France, you’re also glimpsing a unique aspect of the country’s culture. From the commercial origin of this holiday to how it’s celebrated today, Grandmother’s Day in France is a reflection of both history and the present. And to think it all started with coffee

Let guide you through the details of National Grandma Day!

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1. What is Grandmother’s Day in France?

In France, Grandmother’s Day is celebrated to honor grandmothers and show them the love they always shower us with. Grandma’s Day was first celebrated in France in 1987, and has grown since then into the holiday it is today.

2. When is Grandmother’s Day?

Grandmother's Day is on a Sunday

When is Grandmother’s Day? The date of Grandmother’s Day varies slightly each year in France, though it’s always on the first Sunday of March. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years:

  • 2019: March 3
  • 2020: March 1
  • 2021: March 7
  • 2022: March 6
  • 2023: March 5
  • 2024: March 3
  • 2025: March 2
  • 2026: March 1
  • 2027: March 7
  • 2028: March 5

3. How is Grandma’s Day Celebrated?

Granddaughter Kissing Grandmother's Cheek

National Grandmother Day celebrations in France are all done in honor of one’s grandmother. Find out how the French celebrate this heartwarming holiday by reading the French text below (you can find the English translation directly below it).
Les enfants créent donc à l’école des cadeaux pour leurs mamies et ce, dès la maternelle. C’est l’occasion pour les familles françaises de se retrouver. Les petits-enfants offrent des cadeaux à leurs grands-mères. Les présents les plus populaires sont les bouquets de fleurs ou les plantes, comme les orchidées . Une étude réalisée par les fleuristes français a montré que cette fête avait un impact significatif sur la vente des végétaux d’intérieur.

Durant cette journée, des évènements commerciaux ou non, sont organisés dans toute la France.

Par exemple, une “mamif” a lieu place de la Bastille depuis quelques années. Une “mamif” est un mot-valise jouant avec les mots mamie et manifestation. Le but de cet évènement était de réunir les mamies et leur famille.
Les grands-pères sont les grands oubliés du calendrier ! Effectivement, la fête des papis n’existe pas, contrairement à celle des grand-mères… Peut-être faut-il attendre qu’une marque créée cette fête ?


Children create gifts for their grannies at school starting in kindergarten. It’s an occasion for French families to gather. Grandchildren give gifts to their grandmothers. The most popular presents are bouquets of flowers and plants such as orchids. A study carried out by French florists showed that the holiday had a significant impact on the sale of indoor plants.

During this day, events, whether commercial or not, are organized all over France.

For example, a “mamif” has taken place at La Bastille for a few years now. A “mamif” is a portmanteau word that plays upon the words “mamie” (grandma) and “manifestation” (rally). The event is meant to unite grandmas with their family.

Grandfathers are completely forgotten from the calendar! Indeed, “Grandfather’s Day” doesn’t exist, as opposed to Grandmother’s Day… Perhaps we’ll have to wait until a brand creates this holiday?

4. Additional Information

A survey was made of French grandmothers, and do you know what the main motivation for 80% of them is?

In France, there are more than 6 million grandmothers. They are an average of 65 years old and have four grandchildren.

And for 80% of them, the most important thing is to indulge their grandchildren, according to a survey carried out on French grandmas.

This certainly explains why grandparents are often accused of spoiling their grandchildren!

5. Must-know Vocab

Offering Gifts to Grandmother

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for National Grandmother Day in France, including “Grandmother’s Day” in French:

  • Fête des Grands-Mères — “Grandmother’s Day”
  • Dimanche — “Sunday”
  • Mars — “March”
  • Cadeau — “Present”
  • Premier — “First”
  • Annuelle — “Annual”
  • Origine — “Origin”
  • Marque de café — “Coffee brand”
  • Fête commerciale — “Commercialized celebration”
  • Offrir — “Offer”
  • Grand-mère — “Grandmother”
  • Visite — “Visit”

To hear each vocabulary word pronounced, check out our French Grandmother’s Day vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio with its pronunciation.


Now you know more about Grandmother’s Day in France. Do you celebrate Grandmother’s Day in your own country, or a similar holiday? Let us know in the comments!

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We hope you enjoyed today’s holiday blog. Keep up the study and practice, and you’re sure to reap the benefits and speak like a French native before you know it!

In the meantime, we’ll just wish you a Happy Grandmother’s Day!

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