Fête de Voisins: Celebrating National Neighbor Day in France

National Neighbor Day in France (or Fête de Voisins as voisin is “neighbor” in French) is a day for people to spend time with their neighbors, usually in the form of a party. This is a significant concept in a world that’s becoming more and more adapted to life on the screen, and where people are spending less face time with each other. It can be difficult to even muster a “hello” to fellow neighbors these days!

On Neighbor’s Day, France encourages its people to get together, socialize, and just appreciate each other. It’s such a revolutionary type of holiday that other places around the world are beginning to celebrate it too (resulting in a European Neighbor’s Day).

At FrenchPod101, we hope to clue you in on what to expect should you receive a Fête de Voisins invitation, and teach you all about the origins of Neighbor’s Day in France. We hope to make this learning journey both fun and informative!

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1. What is Neighbor’s Day (Europe)?

Neighbor’s Day, also called Immeubles en fête (“Building Festival”), is an originally French holiday. Its goal is to let neighbors meet each other in a friendly way, and is the initiative of a Parisian non-profit association.

This idea was born in 1990 when a group of friends created the association Paris d’amis (“Paris of Friends”) in the seventeenth district of the French capital. They wanted to strengthen the ties of proximity between inhabitants in the neighborhood and thereby fight isolation.

The association then carried out numerous projects with this goal, such as a sponsorship service for neighbors with hardships.

In 1999, the association launched Neighbor’s Day in the seventeenth district of Paris. And its success was immediate because 800 buildings participated, mobilizing more than 10,000 inhabitants!

2. When is Neighbor’s Day in France?

Flat Apartment

The date of Neighbor’s Day varies each year, though it is always the last Friday of May or the first Friday in June. In 2019, it will take place on May 31.

3. Reading Practice: How Does France Celebrate Neighbor’s Day?

Neighbor's Getting Together For a Meal

Learn how Neighbor’s Day is celebrated in France by reading the French text below! You can find the English translation directly below it.

Le principe est simple—une fête est organisée dans un immeuble, une maison, un jardin…Tout le monde est libre d’organiser cette fête et d’ y participer ! Chaque participant peut amener à boire ou à manger.

Cette initiative permet de rencontrer ses voisins et de mieux connaître les personnes qui habitent le quartier.

Cet évènement français a maintenant dépassé les frontières de son pays d’origine, d’abord avec l’extension de la fête à la Belgique et 10 autres villes européennes en 2003, puis avec l’organisation de la Journée européenne des voisins en 2004, qui se déroule dans plus de 150 villes d’Europe, et au-delà avec le Canada, la Turquie et l’Azerbaïdjan.

Il existe un film français à propos de la fête des voisins ! Réalisé en 2010 par David Haddad, ce film narre l’histoire de Pierrot, gardien qui organise cette fête dans son immeuble. Il s’intitule “La Fête des voisins.”

The principle is simple—a party is organized in a building, house, garden, and so on. Everyone is free to organize the party and to participate in it! Each participant can bring something to drink or eat.

This initiative lets neighbors meet and to get to know people who live in the neighborhood better.

This French event has now crossed the borders of its home country, first with the extension of the holiday into Belgium and ten other European cities in 2003. Then, with the organization of European Neighbor’s Day in 2004, which takes place in more than 150 cities in Europe and beyond in Canada, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

There is a French film about Neighbor’s Day! Released in 2010 and directed by David Haddad, the film tells the story of Pierrot, a security guard who organizes a party in his building. It’s called “La Fête des voisins.”

4. Three Largest Cities in France

Do you know which are the three biggest cities in France?

The three biggest cities in France are Paris, Marseille, and Lyon. Just these three cities alone house more than three-million people. That’s a lot of neighbors to invite over!

5. Useful Vocabulary for National Neighbor Day in France

Real Estate Sign

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Neighbor’s Day in France!

  • Maison — “House
  • Rue — “Street”
  • Étage — “Floor”
  • Voisine — “Neighbor”
  • Fête des voisins — “Neighbor’s Day”
  • Appartement — “Flat”
  • Digicode — “Digital lock”
  • Immobilier — “Real estate”
  • Quartier — “Neighborhood”
  • Lotissement — “Housing estate”

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, check out our Neighbor’s Day vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio file of its pronunciation.


What do you think of the idea behind France’s Neighbors’ Day? Does your country have a similar holiday (such as National Good Neighbor Day)? And if not, do you wish it did? Let us know in the comments!

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Until next time, hang in there, keep your determination fueled, and say hi to your neighbors for us!

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