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Archive for the 'French Holidays' Category

The French National Anthem: La Marseillaise

Have you ever heard La Marseillaise, the French national anthem? The music is beautiful, but the lyrics are not easy to decipher, full of old-fashioned words and unusual turns of phrases.  Play it in front of a French audience, and suddenly, everybody starts singing along. We all know the lyrics, and there is something strangely captivating in its ferocity. I’ve seen the most reserved people start to raise their voices like there was no tomorrow just from hearing the first notes of our national anthem. Moving and emotional for some, thrilling and vibrant for others, the Marseillaise was also called racist and xenophobic, anachronistic and obsolete, a bloodthirsty call to arms. Opinions vary, and this is also what makes it such an... Show more

An Overview of French Culture

Are you planning on visiting France soon? Or even on settling down? Maybe you’re just curious about the country in general. Whatever the reason, you’ve come to the perfect place to learn about what makes France so special. France is considered one of the most culturally influential countries in the world, and this is not surprising. This country has a lot to offer: a wealth of history and art, fine food, booming entertainment industries, a chic fashion scene, and strong values. On this page, you’ll learn the most important French culture facts, from core values to general lifestyle. Table of Contents French Values Religions and Cults Relationships Lifestyle Art and Entertainment Food and Wine French... Show more

Celebrating Whit Monday in France

The majority of France’s population (around sixty-five percent) identifies as Christian, with most of those Christians being Catholic. Considering the large Christian population, Christian holidays are a big deal here! In this article, you’ll learn about the Whit Monday holiday in France. We’ll dive into the Whit Monday meaning, explore the most common traditions in France, and go over some important vocabulary you should know. Let’s get started. 1. What is Whit Monday in France? Whit Monday is a Christian holiday that celebrates the descent of the Saint-Esprit ("Holy Spirit" ) onto Jesus’s disciples. The Holy Spirit’s descent is said to mark the "birthday" of the Christian church. Catholics celebrate this holiday as... Show more

Celebrating Mother’s Day in France

Did you know that people have been celebrating mothers and motherhood for a very long time? After all, what would the world be like without mothers? A lot bleaker than it is already, I imagine! Like many countries around the world, France has a special holiday set aside to honor one’s mother. In this article, you’ll learn all about Mother’s Day, France’s take on this holiday, and some new vocab. Let’s get started! 1. What is Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day is thought to have originated as far back as Ancient Greece, where the population organized springtime ceremonies for Rhea, the grandmother to the gods (and Zeus’ mother). The Ancient Romans had a similar holiday for celebrating mothers, called Matronalia. What we think of... Show more

Dimanche de Rameaux: Celebrating Palm Sunday in France

Dimanche de Rameaux, or Palm Sunday in France, is a major Christian holiday with many fascinating traditions. In this article, you’ll learn about the story behind Palm Sunday, France’s most common celebrations, and some useful vocabulary. Let’s get started! 1. What is Palm Sunday? On Palm Sunday, exactly one week before Easter (Pâques), Christians celebrate Jesus’ entrée, or "entrance," into Jerusalem. According to the Bible, people welcomed his arrival by throwing palm branches on the ground he traveled, hence this holiday’s name. Palm Sunday is also the first day of Semaine Sainte, or "Holy Week." In France, Palm Sunday is a day strongly associated with plants and other springtime elements, as is true in some other... Show more

Celebrating International Women’s Day in France

International Women’s Day (sometimes referred to as International Working Women’s Day) is an important holiday in France and around the world. It’s a holiday dedicated to promoting women’s rights, fighting for gender equality, and celebrating the achievements of women. In this article, you’ll learn about the history of International Women’s Day, France’s unique celebrations for it, and more fun facts. Let’s get started! 1. What is International Women’s Day? The main focus of International Women’s Day varies from country to country, but there are usually three common threads: Women’s right to vote (droit de vote) Women’s right to work (droit de travail) The promotion of equality (égalité) between genders ... Show more

Épiphanie: Celebration of Epiphany in France

Each year, France celebrates the Épiphanie the French way, with lots of great food. In this article, you’ll learn about French Epiphany customs and more facts about the Christian Feast of the Epiphany. At FrenchPod101.com, it’s our goal to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative—starting with this article! Ready? Let’s dive in. 1. What is Epiphany Day? Epiphany (Épiphanie) is a Christian feast that celebrates the visit of the Biblical Magi to the Baby Jesus. However, this feast takes root in pagan celebrations. The word "Epiphany" comes from Greek, and it means "appearance." For the Greeks, the epiphanes were gods who made themselves visible to men. To honor them, they observed the... Show more

The French Celebration of Armistice Day

How do the French celebrate Armistice Day, and why? Armistice Day in French culture is one of the most important and widely celebrated holidays. It commemorates the end of WWI, during which France suffered heavy losses. In this article, you’ll learn about his significant public holiday in France, and about French Armistice Day traditions. At FrenchPod101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Armistice Day? If you know French history, you might know that November 11, 1918, is an important date for French people. In fact, it is a public holiday. This is the date of an armistice, a convention signed by several governments in order to stop combat between... Show more

Celebrating Assumption Day in France

On Assumption Day, France celebrates the rising of Mary, the mother of Jesus, into Heaven. For this reason, it’s often called Assumption of Mary Day. The Assumption Holy Day reflects the strong Catholic nature of France, being one of the most popular and heavily celebrated holidays in the country. Even non-Catholics like to participate in the fun, often as a final party before the end of summer. Learn all about The Assumption of Mary Feast Day with FrenchPod101.com, and become more familiar with French culture as a whole. We hope to make this learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Assumption Day? Assumption celebrates Jesus's mother, Mary, rising up to Heaven. As such, the French also recognize... Show more

End of the French Revolution: Bastille Day in France

Each year, the French commemorate the end of the French Revolution and the storming of the Bastille fortress. Called Bastille Day everywhere but France itself, this holiday is France’s national day and possibly the most significant public holiday in the country. By learning about Bastille Day, France’s history and culture will become more clear to you. And as any successful language-learner can tell you, studying culture is a step you can’t miss if you hope to master the beautiful French language. At FrenchPod101.com, we hope to make this learning experience both fun and effective! 1. What is Bastille Day? The nation remembers the storming of the Bastille (otherwise known as the Bastille Day attack) on this holiday, which... Show more