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Archive for the 'French Holidays' Category

Fête de la Musique: Celebrating World Music Day in France

In France, ninety-seven percent of French people know about Fête de la musique ("World Music Day")! On World Make Music Day (or simply Make Music Day), France celebrates music and encourages anyone and everyone to create music, along with many other countries. This is the most characteristic aspect of World Music Day: It encourages absolutely everyone to do some music; anyone can sing or play an instrument, alone or in a band, in public spaces. Hence the wide range of styles and talents during the Fête de la musique French festivals. World Music Day in France is a prime example of how a country’s holidays can reveal what its people hold near to their hearts. And any successful language learner can tell you that comprehending a... Show more

Fête de Voisins: Celebrating National Neighbor Day in France

National Neighbor Day in France (or Fête de Voisins as voisin is "neighbor" in French) is a day for people to spend time with their neighbors, usually in the form of a party. This is a significant concept in a world that's becoming more and more adapted to life on the screen, and where people are spending less face time with each other. It can be difficult to even muster a "hello" to fellow neighbors these days! On Neighbor's Day, France encourages its people to get together, socialize, and just appreciate each other. It's such a revolutionary type of holiday that other places around the world are beginning to celebrate it too (resulting in a European Neighbor's Day). At FrenchPod101, we hope to clue you in on what to expect should... Show more

Lundi de Pâques: Easter Monday in France

If you know our history, you should know that France is a secular country. In 1905, a law was created to separate the Church from the State. Still, many public holidays and traditions in France have Catholic origins. And one of the most important Catholic holidays is Easter. Is Easter Monday a bank holiday in France? Yes! Easter in France, for kids especially, is a great joy! In this lesson, we're going to teach you how French people celebrate Easter. At FrenchPod101.com, we hope to make learning about French culture both fun and informative! 1. What is Easter Monday in France? Originally, Easter commemorated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and marked the end of Lent for Catholics. Lent is a period of fasting that lasts... Show more

How to Celebrate Grandmother’s Day in France

For many, a grand-mère (“grandmother”) is a relative of unparalleled consideration and admiration. This is as true in France as it is in numerous countries around the world. Grandmother’s are so loved and respected that the French have dedicated a day just to celebrate them! By learning about Grandmother’s Day in France, you’re also glimpsing a unique aspect of the country’s culture. From the commercial origin of this holiday to how it’s celebrated today, Grandmother’s Day in France is a reflection of both history and the present. And to think it all started with coffee... Let FrenchPod101.com guide you through the details of National Grandma Day! 1. What is Grandmother’s Day in France? In France, Grandmother’s Day is... Show more

La Chandeleur: How to Celebrate Candlemas in France

Learning about French holidays is an excellent way to gaze at the country’s culture from a viewpoint you otherwise wouldn’t. La Chandeleur is no different, providing you with a lot of great history to study and ponder. La Chandeleur or “Candlemas” is a French religious holiday, known for the delicious crepes the French make to celebrate. In fact, it’s often called Crêpe Day! As with many holidays in France and worldwide, La Chandeleur lost its religious meaning over time. Originally a day to worship the god Pan, and later Jesus Christ, most French today use Candlemas as a day of fun and good French food. While the religious meaning is pretty much looked over today, many Candlemas traditions in France remain. Find out more... Show more

How to Say Happy New Year in French & New Year Wishes

Learn all the French New Year wishes online, in your own time, on any device! Join FrenchPod101 for a special French New Year celebration! Can you relate to the year passing something like this: “January, February, March - December!”? Many people do! Quantum physics teaches us that time is relative, and few experiences illustrate this principle as perfectly as when we reach the end of a year. To most of us, it feels like the old one has passed in the blink of an eye, while the new year lies ahead like a very long journey! However, New Year is also a time to celebrate beginnings, and to say goodbye to what has passed. This is true in every culture, no matter when New Year is celebrated. So, how do you say Happy New Year in... Show more

How to Say ‘Merry Christmas’ in French

Do you know any ways to wish someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ in French? FrenchPod101 brings you easy-to-learn translations and the correct pronunciation of French Christmas phrases! Christmas is the annual commemorative festival of Christ’s birth in the Western Christian Church. It takes place on December 25th and is usually celebrated with much food and fanfare! However, not all cultures celebrate Christmas. In some countries, Christmas is not even a public holiday! However, many countries have adapted Christmas and its religious meaning to tally with their own beliefs, or simply in acknowledgment of the festival’s importance to other cultures. If you want to impress native French speakers with culturally-appropriate Christmas phrases... Show more

To Do or not to Do on the Beach in France

Learn some French basic phrases to fully enjoy your holidays in France! Voilà l’été! Ok, not yet…We are only in June but the months of July and August are highly awaited by many, because it is vacation time! Do French people like to go to the beach? Many people take their summer vacations so they can go to the beach. French people usually spend a weekend or even as long as three weeks at the beach. So if I wanted to go to the beach in France, where should I go? The most fashionable beaches are on the: English Channel: Cherbourg, Honfleur… Atlantic ocean: Biarritz, Saint Jean du luz… Mediterranean sea: Cannes, Nice, Marseilles… These are the main sea resorts in France, and the destination usually depends on... Show more

French Culture – Assumption of Mary/Assomption

The Roman Catholic faith recognizes the Assumption of Mary as their customary belief that the Virgin Mary was taken up to heaven physically after her death. It is believed that Mary’s body and soul underwent a unification process and was then transported into the heavens. The Assumption of Mary became a day of feasting in celebration of the return of Mary to the heavenly realm. For those who celebrate this festival on August 15th of each year, it is a holy day of their obligations to their faith. The Roman Catholic and Christian Orthodox believe that Jesus’ promise that he would go away and prepare a place for his disciples and come back again to receive them into glory, was also referring to Mary’s entrance into the heavens. ... Show more

French Culture – Bastille Day

Each year the French celebrate their national holiday known as Bastille Day and also called Fete Nationale on the fourteenth of July. In July 1789, the prison in Paris was known as the Bastille and held only seven prisoners at the time. However, during the French Revolution, the prison was stormed (Storming of the Bastille) and became a symbol of the modern nation’s uprising and the reunion of the French in the monarchy. A year later, the anniversary of this momentous occasion was held to recognize the milestone reached after such occurrence. The celebrations are held in the morning on the fourteenth of July each year in the presence of the President of the Republic in Champs Elysees Avenue located in Paris. The opening of... Show more