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Archive for the 'French Words' Category

French Argot Lesson #2: Five Words To Say “L’Argent”

It is always useful to know the slang for "money" in a foreign language, if only not to get ripped off and to understand when people talk about what is in your wallet...  So many different ways to say "money" in French! Those greedy French.  Before we get to those words I would like to mention a French argot specialist. His name is Michel Audiard and even if you probably never heard this name before, you need to know that he is one of France's pride. Michel Audiard (Born in 1920, died in 1985) was a famous screenwriter who is known for his acid, humorous, and "argotique" writing. And, if you happened to watch movies written by Michel Audiard, you surely came across  a multitude of French money-related slang. If you would like to... Show more

Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap!

In this series of mini-lesson tweets on Twitter, we help you perfect your media-related vocabulary in order to beat French people at conversing about the news.  Here is the recap of this week’s phrases for your reference: "Un éditorial" gives you the paper's opinion."L'éditorial est sévère avec le président.", "The editorial is tough on the president." Just so you know, the French for "buzz" is also "un buzz". "Le discours de Barack Obama a fait un buzz en France." Subscribe to "un hebdomadaire" to get news every week. "Time" est un hebdomadaire", "Time" is a weekly." Today's word "un rédacteur en chef", "an editor-in-chief". "Le rédacteur en chef a le dernier mot sur le contenu.", "The editor-in-chief" has the last word on the... Show more

French Bazaar: Oh no! French Slang! Argot Lesson #1

Have you ever heard of the word l'argot? You might have heard of it as being the French slang. Well, it is true to some extent. But there is more to l'argot than just being slang.  Today we'll introduce you to one argot French word. But before we do, let's talk about what l'argot really is. The initial meaning appeared in the XVIIth century in France to generally designate professional thieves, beggars and  bohemians.  This group of people was literally called l'argot. The word evolved to later designate the language used by this group of people. Just like any social group, they would use a vocabulary that would only exist among themselves. Now, having their own language not only identified each other as a group, it also allowed... Show more

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn French together! And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study French with! Have a healthy and happy holiday season. From Celine, Sam, Angele and the whole Team!