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Archive for the 'Tips & Techniques' Category

Language Learning Tips: How to Avoid Awkward Silences

Yes, even beginners can quickly learn conversational French well enough to carry on real conversations with native speakers. Of course, beginners won’t be able to carry a conversation the same way they could in their native language. But, just knowing a few tips like which questions to ask to keep a conversation going are all you need to speak and interact with real native speakers! But before we get to specific suggestions, let’s first take a closer look at how having real French conversations is so vital to your mastery of the language. Learning to Carry a Conversation is Vital to Mastery of Any Language Communicating with other people is the very point of language and conversation is almost second nature in our native tongue. For... Show more

How to Transform Your Daily Commute Into Learning a Language

Today, classrooms are no longer the only or even best place to learn a new language like French. More and more people are finding that they can easily learn a language just about anywhere they have a few minutes of spare time, including their daily commute to work. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American spends over 50 minutes a day commuting to and from work, or over 300 hours a year. Rethinking Your Daily Commute to Work But rather than simply sitting in traffic and wasting the time, you can instead use your daily commute to literally learn French in just a few short months! FrenchPod101 has developed specialized learning tools that you can use on your commute to work (and home again) to master the language in... Show more

3 Practical Ways to Improve Your French Listening Skills

So, you’ve been studying French for a year or two. You feel like you have a pretty good handle on the most romantic of the Romantic languages. So you buy a ticket to a French speaking country. You’re confident about your skills and expect to woo the natives with everything you’ve learned. Then you step off your flight and suddenly reality hits you right between the eyes… You’ve studied French but you can barely understand native speakers. If they were to write down what they said or simply said it slower you’d probably be fine. You know the vocabulary and grammar they’re using. For some reason when they speak at a faster speed you can’t keep track of what’s going on. You pick out the first word, a few in the middle, and a phrase at the... Show more

How to Start Thinking in French

Learn 4 tools and techniques to stop translating in your head and start thinking in Going through lessons is enough to get by and learn the basics of , but to truly become fluent you need to be able to think in . This will allow you to have conversations with ease, read smoothly, and comprehensively understand natives. To do this, you need to go beyond just completing daily or weekly lessons. We naturally translate in our heads because it's viewed as the easiest way to learn the definitions needed when learning a language. This way of learning can actually hinder your skills and fluency later on. If your brain has to make neural connections between the word you're learning, what it means in your native tongue, and the physical object... Show more

The 5 Review Tactics that Will Sharpen Your French

Have you ever returned to FrenchPod101 lessons you’ve completed? Accessing a lesson once is enough to learn more French. But to master what you’ve learned, to understand French the second you hear it, to read with just a quick glance, and to speak smoothly, without thinking... you need to review. In this blog post, you’ll learn the 5 review tactics and learning tools that will truly sharpen your French (all of which I’ve been able to resources for on FrenchPod101.com). Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole French Language from the Beginning! 1. Listen to lines over and over again! One of the best ways to learn French (or any language) is to listen to native speakers over and over again until you... Show more

How to Overcome the Top 4 French Learning Fears

Every French learner will have these fears – “I’m not good enough yet.” “I don’t think I’m making any progress.” “What if I never reach my goals?” French learning fears – we all get them from time to time. What are yours? And are they worth being scared of? In this blog post, we’re killing the top 4 French learning fears – 1) what are the fears learners tend to have the most and 2) how you can overcome them! Here are the top 4 language learning fears according to our users: 1. “I’m not good enough to start speaking yet.” Do you feel like you’re not good enough to start speaking yet? It’s a pretty common fear or misconception that most learners have. Here’s how you overcome it: The best way to get good at speaking is to... Show more

3 Reasons Why Playing Games Helps You Learn German Faster

Discover 3 ways that German learning games and video games can help you learn and master German faster, retain more, and enhance your language skills. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole German Language from the Beginning! Can You Learn German Using Games? Yes, German learning games and even video games can help you learn and master German faster and improve overall comprehension. Research studies have concluded that video games enhance traditional learning methods and make mastering a new language like German fun and exciting. Without the firm foundation in grammar and vocabulary provided by conventional learning programs, however, you will not be able to learn German with games alone. But when... Show more

3 Reasons Why Playing Games Helps You Learn French Faster

Discover 3 ways that French learning games and video games can help you learn and master French faster, retain more, and enhance your language skills. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole French Language from the Beginning! Can You Learn French Using Games? Yes, French learning games and even video games can help you learn and master French faster and improve overall comprehension. Research studies have concluded that video games enhance traditional learning methods and make mastering a new language like French fun and exciting. Without the firm foundation in grammar and vocabulary provided by conventional learning programs, however, you will not be able to learn French with games alone. But when... Show more

3 Reasons Why Successful Students Learn French In the Car

Not only is it possible to learn French in your car, there are 3 great benefits that will help you master the language faster and with less effort. With everyone so pressed for time these days, it might seem like a daydream to believe that you could learn French in your car—but it’s not! Thanks to a wide range of new technologies and resources, learning a language in your car is easier than ever. Not only is it easy to learn a language while driving, there are actually a number of benefits, especially if the lessons are part of a structured learning program like FrenchPod101. Here are three specific benefits to learning French or any other new language in your car. Create Your Free Account and Learn French from the Very... Show more

4 Reasons Why French Slang Words Will Make You Fluent

Learn 4 honest reasons you need French slang words and why they are so vital to truly learning and mastering the language. Teachers may normally cringe at the thought of their students learning French slang words. After all, slang words and phrases are typically defined as being grammatically incorrect. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak French? Here are 4 of the top reasons why you should study slang words and expressions when learning French or any new language. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole French Language from the Beginning! 1. Native Speakers Use Slang Expressions in Everyday Conversation If you are going to study a foreign... Show more