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Audio and Video Lessons!

We’re Giving Thanks: French Lessons for just $2.80/Month & a FREE Video Lesson!

Hi there Listener, If you ask us what we’re thankful for, it’s people like you. People who choose to learn French. People who know they will master French because it’s just a matter of time. These are the ones who truly do learn the language. How do we know? 10 years of teaching experience and feedback from learners like you. You’ve shaped FrenchPod101 into a fast, effective and FUN system. Thank you. So during the Thank You Sale, Get a BIG 30% OFF All Basic and Premium Plans! Master more French for LESS with real lessons by real teachers – that’s 170+ hours of audio and video lessons. Your dream of truly learning French is a lot easier and much more affordable. But only ‘til November 25th, 2015.Click here to get 30% OFF & your free... Show more

What’s the Root of Today’s French Language? – History of the French Language

The Root of Today's French Language People have spoken French for more than 2200 years. One important document proving its early existence is the Les Serments de Strasbourg*, dated from 842. From the ninth century, a common language, le Francien, appeared necessary for trade and commerce in what is today Île de France, the region where Paris is located (called Lutèce under the Roman Empire). It was the place to meet to exchange goods; a place where people speaking different dialects from the other regions could only understand each other through a common language evolved from the common forms of the various dialects. Le Francien spread and rapidly gained prestige, as it was the language of the king. King Hugues Capet** in 987 was... Show more

3 Ways to Fully Master French Conversations. It’ll Feel Like Cheating

Hello Listener, Today, we have 3 ways to help you FULLY understand French conversations...simply by listening and reading along. In fact, it works so well, it’s almost like cheating. Imagine listening to a new French conversation: Oh! A word you know! Tons of words you don’t know.’re lost. But, what if you had the lines and translations – everything that’s being said – to read along with? Simply by listening and reading along... You understand 100% of the French that you hear. You stay laser-focused. It’s easy to get distracted with reading or listening alone. Here, you’re much more engaged by 2 senses at the same time. Result: You learn French faster. New words. New phrases. They’re all translated for you. Your... Show more

3 Halloween Treats Inside: $67 OFF, NEW Study Tool & Spooky French Lesson

Hello Listener, Your Halloween treats are here early. There’s a NEW study tool you can use to completely understand French conversations in your lessons. There’s a French Halloween Lesson with words you won’t learn anywhere else. Finally, a MONSTER 28% discount on our effective French learning system with 150+ hours of audio and video lessons inside. Keep reading to learn more! In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Click here to Get a MONSTER 28% OFF Any Plan! New! Completely Understand French Lessons with Transcripts The Scariest, Must-Know French Halloween Words 1. 3 Days Left! Save 28% at FrenchPod101, Learn French Scary Fast. Your first treat? Start speaking MORE French with a MONSTER 28% discount on our Basic and Premium... Show more

The Origins of and the Different Influences on Today’s French Language

French comes from the Romance language family of the Indo-European languages, which is divided into various groups of languages. French is a Romance language because it descends from Latin, the language of the ancient Romans. Historians have traced the earliest development of the French language to just after the Neolithic period (considered to be the last part of the Stone Age) and to three groups of people: The Ligures (located in Provence, a region on the Mediterranean coast, and the northeastern part of Italy), The Ibères (from the Languedoc region located in southern France near Spain), The Aquitains (from the southwestern region of France). Each group left some traces in modern French as suffixes in names of places,... Show more

Do You Have These Top 4 French Learning Fears? We’ll Tell You How To Beat Them

Hello Listener, Every French learner will feel these at some point: “I’m not good enough yet.” “I don’t think I’m making any progress.” French learning fears – we all get them from time to time. What are yours? And are they worth being scared of this Halloween season? But, before we get into the top 4 learning fears, our Monster-Sized Sale starts now! ‘Til Halloween, get 28% OFF the most effective French course and start learning French! Unlock over 150 hours of audio and video lessons, Premium study tools, apps and more! Basic is as low as $2.88/month and Premium is as low as $7.20/month. Monster-Sized Sale Starts Now! Click Here to Get 28% OFF! So, below are the top 4 French learning fears according to our listeners. We’re... Show more

Learn French anywhere with FrenchPod101 on your mobile device!

Hey Listeners! Did you know that all of our lessons, lesson notes, progress tracking and premium tools are available on your smartphone or mobile device? Well, they are! With our Innovative Language 101 App, you can study French on-the-go wherever you want! Getting on the fast-track to learning French is THAT simple! Want to switch from the app to your computer and continue where you left off? You can! Our system is fully integrated! Download the App for FREE to your Android, iPhone, iPad or Kindle Fire Click here to download the App for FREE & learn French on the go! What's Inside The Innovative Language Learning 101 App: New Users – Try It Free: Start your 7-Day Free Trial! 7-Day Free Premium Trial for new users... Show more

You Got Us to 500 Million! Here’s 30% OFF & 2 New French Study Tools for You.

Hello Listener, Can you believe it? You got us to 500 million lesson downloads. To put that number in perspective, that’s 9,513 years of learning done since we started teaching in 2005. It means that you’re learning with a proven system. 500 million downloads and 10 years of experience don’t lie. So, to thank you for helping us reach this milestone, we’ve been giving you a BIG 30% OFF and two new study tools. In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Click here to get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS! Never Forget French Words with the Updated Word Bank New! Stay Focused, Learn 2x Faster with Lesson Transcripts 1.Ends Friday! Get 30% OFF with the 500 Million Celebration! You’ve helped us reach 500 million lesson... Show more

Get 30% OFF our Proven French Learning System. 500 Million Downloads Don’t Lie.

Hello Listener, We want to thank you. FrenchPod101 has reached 500 MILLION lesson downloads – that’s HALF a BILLION since we began in 2005! You’ve downloaded and you’ve learned with us. As you can imagine, we’re celebrating this milestone. And what better way to celebrate than to reward the people who helped – members like you! At FrenchPod101, you learn French with real lessons by real teachers – with 150+ hours of audio and video lessons – but now it’s even more affordable too! 500 Million Celebration: Get 30% Off ALL Premium and Premium PLUS plans! 500 Million Celebration! Get 30% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS! (Only 500 spots available for this huge discount) Premium Plan for Just $7/Month or $0.23/Day! Premium... Show more

5 Ways To Never Forget French Words with the NEW Word Bank

Hello Listener, How easy is it to forget new French words and phrases? First you learn ‘em. Two days later, you forget ‘em. Stopping to note them down takes a lot of time. You can write every word down on 100s of flashcards or in a notebook. That’s the time-consuming part of the battle. But wait! You STILL have to review them all! So here are 5 ways to never forget new French words with the Word Bank. It’s your personal, ever-growing collection of vocab. Come across a new word in a FrenchPod101 lesson? Want to master specific vocab list? Save ‘em with 1 click and review ‘em in 1 spot – the Word Bank. And it’s just been updated with new features! If you’re a Premium user, be sure to check it out! If not, take advantage of... Show more