
Learn French with Free Daily
Audio and Video Lessons!

Your All-Access Pass: Get 25% OFF our Best French Lessons, Tools & More!

Hello Listener, Anyone interested in French wishes they could finally learn it. They have the desire. They read some articles. They watch some videos. They learn some phrases. But that’s it. To really learn to speak and understand French effectively... ...You need an All-Access Pass to ALL the French lessons, study tools and exclusive apps in one place. An All-Access Pass to a complete French learning system. Sale Starts Now! Save 25% - Basic, Premium and Premium PLUS! This is an all-access, site-wide offer where every subscription is 25% off – 1-, 3-, 6-, 12- and 24-month – and the longer you subscribe for, the bigger your savings. Unlock over 150 hours of effective audio and video lessons, lesson notes, study tools, apps... Show more

How To Make French Breakthroughs, 28% OFF & A Free Feature Alert

Hi Listener, Making French breakthroughs is easier than you think. Successful learners go one step at a time. Do just one FrenchPod101 lesson and in minutes, you master the entire conversation. Do another tomorrow. With each lesson, you speak more French right now while typical learners sit around and just worry about “being fluent someday.” Start breaking through right now with a 28% discount, an exclusive interview with Benny Lewis, and more ways to boost your French vocab! To mastering French, Team FrenchPod101 In this month’s newsletter: 3 Days Left! Get 28% OFF Basic or Premium Subscriptions! Exclusive Interview with Benny Lewis, the Irish Polyglot Free Feature Alert: One Daily French Word... Show more

What’s up at FrenchPod101? 28% OFF, Free Audiobook, Our Top Rated App & More!

Hello Listener, It’s that time again – monthly newsletter time! Here’s a quick two-minute update about what’s going on at FrenchPod101. What’s inside? There’s an exclusive 2-for-1 Bundle offer – access to our ENTIRE French learning system PLUS a FREE audiobook – that ends Friday. There’s a new video for the Innovative Language 101 App. Oh, and a free feature that teaches you new French words every day. Keep on reading to learn more! In this month’s newsletter: Bundle ends Friday! Get 28% OFF & a FREE French audiobook! Check out the newest video for the Innovative Language 101 App Free Feature Alert: One daily French word in your inbox New Video Series! Ultimate French Pronunciation Guide 1. Ends... Show more

Bundle Up With 28% Savings + Get A Free French Audiobook

Hello Listener, Your mom said it all winter. We say it. And top French learners agree. When your French gets cold...and your progress gets snowed in.. Bundle Up with FrenchPod101! Get 28% OFF Basic or Premium AND a FREE French Audiobook. That’s a 2-for-1 deal so you conquer more French material and speak more French! With Premium, that’s as low as $7.20/month or $0.24/day! Click Here To Learn French At 28% OFF & Get Your Free Audiobook! Bundle Up With Premium And Get Unlimited FrenchPod101 Access! What’s unlimited access? It’s over 140 hours of conversational French lessons that our users love. In-depth PDF lesson notes that come with every lesson. The Premium study tools to cut your French study time in half! And Apps... Show more

New Year, New You, New Lists, New Lessons! – January Newsletter

Hi there Listener! Hope you’re not too tired from smashing your French learning resolution and just generally being awesome (you are pretty awesome). We wanted to swing by and quickly update you on what happened this month. We’ve got new lessons, new vocab lists and some awesome free features! Keep reading to find out how you can upgrade your French in 2015. In this month’s newsletter: New Vocab Lists! Learn Faster with our NEW Vocabulary Lists New Lesson Schedule! New Weekly FrenchPod101 Lesson! New! My Account Updated! Customize Your Username & More! 1. Learn Faster with NEW, Redesigned Vocabulary Lists! Want to learn vocabulary more efficiently? Check out our NEW Vocabulary Lists! With our new word lists, you can... Show more

Learn French Faster with Our NEW, Redesigned Vocabulary Lists!

Hello Listeners! If you want to become better at speaking, writing and understanding French, you NEED to know more words. (We’re sorry listeners, there’s no way around it!) If you want to learn vocabulary fast, you must be able to read and understand it instantly! That’s why we've redesigned our vocabulary lists to help you learn faster (and make your eyeballs happy too). All it takes is a few minutes to review a list. And the result? You know more French. But, let’s get into what’s new with your French Vocabulary Lists! Click here to see the new design and learn more vocabulary! Pretty spiffy, right? With bigger text, more space, a shiny new font and the ability to zoom in on words and look up their definitions, this is... Show more

Starts Today! Take the 12-Month FrenchPod101 Challenge

Welcome to 2015, Listener! Making New Year’s resolutions is easy. Keeping them? That’s the challenge. But 2015 is going to be different for you. How? This year you’ll be armed with a secret weapon of your own: FrenchPod101 Premium Challenge yourself to mastering French in 2015 and we’ll give you the lessons to SMASH through your resolution AND 45% savings on 12-Month Premium. That’s an entire year of Premium Access for just $99! Welcome to the Innovative Language Learning Inner Circle With FrenchPod101 Premium, you have access to our complete learning system, which was created with busy students in mind. But tools alone won’t help you improve your French. Every successful language student knows that in order to... Show more

Want to speak more French? New FrenchPod101 lesson series start January 5th!

Hi Listener, Want to speak more French in 2015? You need exposure to native French conversation from day 1. You need a French speaker to explain it all – the words, the grammar, and cultural nuances. And you get all of that in every single FrenchPod101 lesson. In fact, we’re starting up a brand new season just in time for the New Year! Starting January 5th, 2015, we’ll be publishing brand new seasons of Audio and Video Lessons to get you mastering French the fast, fun and easy way! Want to know what you can expect? Here’s FrenchPod101’s Lesson Schedule: Monday: Introduction - Culture Class: Holidays in France Tuesday: Video Series - Listening Comprehension Practice Thursday: Throwback Thursday Lessons (Get a free... Show more

December Newsletter: Year in Review & 3 French New Year’s Gifts Inside

Hello Listener, The year’s about to come to a close. While you were improving your French, we were busy churning out great new updates, features and lessons. 2014 was a fantastic time to learn language with us. Here are a few reasons why: 3,343+ New Lessons spanning over 31 languages published this year. 300 Million Lesson Downloads across all sites, since our start in 2005. 2 New Language Learning Sites: CzechClass & DanishClass101. That's a total of 31 languages you can learn with Innovative Language. Innovative Language 101 App launched for the Android, iPhone, iPad & Kindle Fire so you can learn French on the go. New Features: Vocab Lists, Season Vocabulary & Premium PLUS My Teacher tool for 1-on-1 French... Show more

101 Spots Left! Pick Your Favorite French Holiday Deal!

Season’s Greetings Listener! You were told there’d be 10 French deals in the 2014 Big Holiday Countdown. Here’s one more. Pick your favorite deal, any deal, and jump into the French language! We’ve re-opened our incredible 2014 Holiday Offers and there are only 101 spots left per deal. Consider it a special gift from us to you, our beloved listeners. Choose your favorite deal from the past 10 days and enjoy huge savings on our best French learning tools! Having a hard time choosing? Here are our favorite deals: 24-Month Premium for 55% OFF – That’s one of our biggest offers of the year! 47% Savings on Any Basic or Premium Subscription! – Choose our most affordable plan or the fastest track to fluency. Lifetime... Show more