
Learn French with Free Daily
Audio and Video Lessons!

Get Our Top French App, Exclusive Inner Circle Access & a BIG 45% OFF!

Hello Listener, Where will your French be in 6 months? Successful students start now and don’t leave learning French to luck. So, when 2015 comes around and others are just starting their French resolutions, you’ll be 6 months ahead (if not more!) In fact, with the 6-Month Challenge, you get exclusive Inner Circle membership, which gives you tested learning methods, insider tips and more to make sure you smash your learning goals. And there’s even a big 45% discount! In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! 6-Month Challenge: Learn French in 6 Months for $66! New App! Take FrenchPod101 on your Android, iPhone, iPad or Kindle! Free Feature Alert: One Daily French Word In Your Inbox 1. 3 Days Left! 6-Month Challenge! Learn with... Show more

Learn French at 45% OFF with the 6-Month Challenge & Get Inner Circle Access

Hi listener, Where will you be in 6 months? And your French? Successful students plan ahead. They don’t leave learning French to luck. So, when 2015 comes around and most people are just starting their French resolutions, you’ll be 6 months ahead (if not more!) Take the 6-Month Challenge! Start French Now with FrenchPod101: Over 120 Hours of Audio & Video Lessons! Grab 6 months of FrenchPod101 Premium for $66 – that’s 45% OFF! With Premium, you unlock 730+ French lessons (new lessons published weekly), PDF lesson notes, Premium Tools and Exclusive Inner Circle Access! Click Here To Start Right Now! You Speak French From Day One. In every FrenchPod101 lesson, you instantly jump into everyday French conversation. We... Show more

FrenchPod101 Finally On Android! Get Innovative Language 101 for FREE!

Hi Listeners! If you’re not mastering French on the go with FrenchPod101, now there’s no excuse. And Android users, this one is especially for you. The Innovative Language 101 App is FINALLY on Android and Kindle Fire. Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for FREE! Get Innovative Language 101 for FREE and master French anywhere you go! After downloading, choose French from the “Choose Your Language” screen and log in with your FrenchPod101 login details. You can try any of our 28 Innovative Languages with this App for free! All languages come with a 7-day Free Trial. Available for all Free Lifetime Account, Basic, Premium, and Premium PLUS members. Access the same lessons and features you normally would with... Show more

This Newsletter is a Pretty Big Deal. Why? New Android App, 31% OFF & More!

Hi Listener, Didn’t want to disturb you while you’re studying French but...there are some Pretty Big Deals in this newsletter that you can’t miss. First, there’s the 31% OFF Premium discount that ends this Friday! There’s the new FREE Android App with FrenchPod101 access that many of our listeners have been waiting for. Oh, and a bonus FREE feature! What is it? Keep reading to find out what happened this month! In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Master French With This Pretty Big 31% OFF Deal! New! Innovative Language 101 App Now on Android & Kindle Fire! Free Feature Alert: Learn More French With Bonus Word List Emails 1. 3 Days Left! Get 31% OFF all Premium Subscriptions at FrenchPod101 Learning French? It’s no big... Show more

Learning French Is No Big Deal with this Pretty Big Deal. Get 31% OFF!

Speaking French without stopping to think. Understanding French as soon as you hear it. And reading French with one glance? If you can do that, that’s a Pretty Big Deal. And Learning French with That’s no big deal. Why? You jump right into native French conversation with native French hosts. They break down French grammar and phrases so you can speed up your learning and speak like a native. Master real-life French conversation, learn the words and grammar behind it and you’re ready to speak ASAP. French gets even easier with this Pretty Big Deal! Get 31% OFF all Premium Subscriptions ‘til May 30th, 2014! That’s as low as $6.90/month with a 24-month Premium subscription to master French at your own pace,... Show more

New Free App! Get FrenchPod101 for your iPhone/iPad & Learn On The Go!

Hi there Listeners, What if you could take all your favorite French lessons on the go? As in, take the entire learning system and learn a language anywhere on your iPhone or iPad? So far, only our JapanesePod101 listeners have had exclusive access to the Innovative Language 101 App. Until now... We’ve added FrenchPod101 to the Innovative Language 101 App. What does this mean for you? It means you can learn French anywhere you go with the entire FrenchPod101 language system inside 1 app. You can also pick up where you left off at your computer. Just use your current FrenchPod101 account to log in. Best of all, this app is FREE to download. Yes, you can download it. And yes, there’s an Android version in the works. Say hello... Show more

Important! Your FrenchPod101 Account is Secure Against the “Heartbleed” Bug

Hello listeners, You've likely heard of a recent Internet security vulnerability, named "Heartbleed," which impacted many websites. Don't worry, your French language progress won't be affected! The security and trust of our users is important to us, and so we'd like to let you know that your FrenchPod101 account is completely secure. Moreover, we've taken extra steps to ensure the safety of your account and details so you can continue learning French the fast, fun and easy way! Here's what you need to know: Your FrenchPod101 account is secure and protected The vulnerability was fixed immediately by our team after it was exposed As an added level of precaution, all of our SSL Certificates were updated on... Show more

Grow Your French with 25% OFF & a FREE Audiobook!

Hello Listener, Your French skill can easily grow this spring if you’re taking the right steps. How, you ask? Here’s how you grow your French language at FrenchPod101– and it’s all done without boring lessons, grammar rules and anything that only delays you from actually speaking French and understanding right now. You get the real-life French dialogues you don’t yet understand We explain, slow down, and translate every word and grammar point You immediately begin to understand real-life French conversation AND, you learn how to speak, read, write, and much more. And of course, your French naturally grows from zero to advanced. Are you ready to grow your French this spring? Sign... Show more

New Premium Feature! All the French Vocab From a Lesson Season with Season Vocabulary!

Hello Listener, So, you’re done with a lesson season at FrenchPod101. And you learned a lot of French in the process. Especially French vocabulary. But do you remember it all? Going back lesson by lesson to review them would be tough. So, here’s a new Premium feature: Season Vocabulary Lists. Now, you can review all the French vocab from any Lesson Season in one place. French words can come as fast as they can go. Especially if you’re not using them. So, you may not remember all the vocab you’ve encountered within a certain season. With the Season Vocabulary List, you can get them all in one spot for fast review and more. This feature is open to Premium, Premium PLUS, and 7-Day Trial Members. To access the Season... Show more

New! Windows 8 Users: Boost Your French Vocab with the WordPower French Windows 8 App

Hello Listeners, Any Windows 8 users among our French learners? If so, good news! So far our highest rated French vocab-building app, WordPower French, has been available for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Mac. The feedback was great, too! But there haven’t been Apps for PC or Windows users...‘til now. WordPower French is now available on the Windows store for $9.99 and includes a FREE Trial. You master the top 2,000 French words necessary for daily life and real conversations on your PC, Tablet or Windows Phone. How’s it done? Click on the link below to get a FREE Trial or keep reading for the full run-down of this App! Get a Free Trial & Download WordPower from the Windows Store! Language experts say you need about... Show more