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French Culture – Assumption of Mary/Assomption

The Roman Catholic faith recognizes the Assumption of Mary as their customary belief that the Virgin Mary was taken up to heaven physically after her death. It is believed that Mary’s body and soul underwent a unification process and was then transported into the heavens. The Assumption of Mary became a day of feasting in celebration of the return of Mary to the heavenly realm. For those who celebrate this festival on August 15th of each year, it is a holy day of their obligations to their faith. The Roman Catholic and Christian Orthodox believe that Jesus’ promise that he would go away and prepare a place for his disciples and come back again to receive them into glory, was also referring to Mary’s entrance into the heavens. ... Show more

Prove Us Wrong and We’ll Pay You and Your Friends $120 Million!

That’s right; we said it! We don’t think you can do it! Oh, don’t get us wrong, we believe you can do anything you set your mind to here at… but how hard will you really try to bleed us of our money? Hmm… I guess we’ll see at the end of August. What are we talking about? Our $10,100 Summer Giveaway, that’s what! And what is THAT, you say? Well, first of all, we are giving away many, many, MANY free subscriptions - $10,100 worth of FREE Premium and 101 Basic subscriptions to be exact! And entering is a piece of cake! You can enter in’s $10,100 Giveaway, by doing one or ALL of the following:  Follow on Twitter  Become a fan of on Facebook ... Show more

French Culture – Bastille Day

Each year the French celebrate their national holiday known as Bastille Day and also called Fete Nationale on the fourteenth of July. In July 1789, the prison in Paris was known as the Bastille and held only seven prisoners at the time. However, during the French Revolution, the prison was stormed (Storming of the Bastille) and became a symbol of the modern nation’s uprising and the reunion of the French in the monarchy. A year later, the anniversary of this momentous occasion was held to recognize the milestone reached after such occurrence. The celebrations are held in the morning on the fourteenth of July each year in the presence of the President of the Republic in Champs Elysees Avenue located in Paris. The opening of... Show more

Learn English with! – Your Chance to Save 50% for LIFE!

Are you learning English? Or know somebody who is? You HAVE to Check Out! 50% Off Subscriptions for LIFE to the First 101 Sign ups! Innovative Language Learning LLC, the company that brought you, is proud to announce the newest member of our language family,! If you're studying English, or know somebody who is, this is the perfect site for you! Have you ever wanted to learn English for business, travel or personal fulfillment? If so, now is the perfect time to learn English! has all the same features as to help you master both oral and written aspects of the language! The best part: If you are one of the first 101 people to subscribe to... Show more

Learn French – The Summer Gift You’ve Been Waiting For …

If you’ve been thinking about how you’re going to make the most of this summer, we’ve got some great news for you. You don’t have to travel the world to immerse yourself in French culture. You can learn French this summer at a teeny tiny fraction of what it would cost you to take a big trip. Over the years, we at Innovative Language Learning have been working hard to develop the best French language learning program available. You can rely on our proven method. It’s been field tested over and over again. There are no weak points, no gaps and no traps. This program is FUN, FAST, and EASY and best of all …you won’t spend a lot of money! In fact this your chance to get Premium level access to for 25% less than... Show more

The Secret Behind Successfully Learning French Effortlessly

How to Really Learn French in Just Minutes a Day and Stick with it Get an Instant 10% OFF with coupon code FF2009 for a limited time. The Myth What if I told you mastering French wasn't that hard. That actually learning the language itself is not nearly as difficult as you may have heard. And that the problem to progressing is an age old one...failure to execute. The Real Issue Said another way, "People don't progress 'cause they don't do! If you don't do the work, you won't reach your goals." It's a bold statement, but think about it. How many things have you tried, only to give up at some later point in time. Exercising daily, diets, hobbies, etc. Language learning is no exception. We tend to start out strong,... Show more

Newest Sister Site Opens with a Bang! – Save 50% at for LIFE!

Love FrenchPod101? You HAVE to Check Out! 50% Off Subscriptions for LIFE to the First 101 Signups! Innovative Language Learning LLC, the company that brought you, is proud to announce the newest member of our language family,!  Have you been hankering to add another language in addition to French to your linguistic repertoire? Have you ever wanted to learn Chinese for business, travel or personal fulfillment? If so, now is the perfect time to learn Chinese! has all the same features as to help you master both oral and written aspects of the language! The best part:  If you are one of the first 101 people to... Show more

Saint Joan of Arc Day – 30% Off!

You may have heard of Joan of Arc. She is a national heroine of France, and a Catholic saint. She was a young peasant girl, who, at the age of 16, led the French army to victory at Orléans - a pivotal moment in French history (more than we ever did when we were sixteen!). That's the reason we now have Joan of Arc day in France. In Orléans, where the battle was won, Joan of Arc Day is celebrated for a full week with festivities! Did you learn something new about Joan of Arc? If you did, you'll be glad to know that you'll learn cultural tidbits in every single lesson at! In every lesson, not only will you learn French that will have you speaking French in minutes, you'll also learn cultural tidbits that will amaze your... Show more

My Feed – Learn French the Way You Want!

Welcome to the blog, Feature Spotlight. Here we would like to periodically introduce some well known features as well as some not so well known features here at We want to make sure everyone knows about all the great features that you can use to master French in just minutes a day. Today we would like to introduce My Feed. This is a fully customizable RSS feed. What's that mean? Well, for those that haven't studied up on the latest Web 2.0 technology, that basically allows Premium members to decide exactly what lesson content they want on their Premium feed. Here's 3 simple steps on how you can use My Feed to really master French: You decide exactly what you want. You download what you want... Show more

Buy a 1 Year Subscription, Get 1 Year Free!

Are you committed to studying French? Do you study on the train? At home after a long day of work? While at the gym? Any moment of free time you can find? We know how serious our students are. Studying a language takes time and commitment. We know you have the commitment to study. Now we're providing you with the time to study French for 2 full years, hassle free! You can now study with with our new 24 Month Subscriptions! After studying French with for 24-months you can take the leap from Beginner to Advanced, have flowing and fluent conversations with native-French speakers, and rread books, novels, magazines, and newspapers. We want you to be able to reach those goals. That's why we've created... Show more