Actially the question is in the subject of the topic. I wonder why there are no audio to some words in the vocab (in audio blogs and cultiral notes there are no them at all) and secondly there are no audio to sentances in many expansion sentances. For me as a potential subscriber this is very important.
Secondly, the question about audio blogs. Threre was a question here http://www.spanishpod101.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18 and I personly agree with watermen. My opinion that during the first year or two you should make more Beginner, Newbie and Lower Intermediate lessons but not Audio blogs or Cultiral Notes otherwise one willll have to wait for a year or two in order you to have pretty ok number of the lesson of these levels(500-600 lessons) to be attractive for a new to the language to subscribe. Now I see that spanishpod101 is making mostly exactly these level lessons and it's very good. But here in frenchpod there are 4 lessons a week and what you have?
11 november Audioblog
12 november Culture class
13 november Audioblog
14 november Lower Intermediate
18 november Idioms and Proverbs
2 Audioblogs - not my level
1 Culture Class - again is pretty boring because no Line-by-Line transcript to work on computer,no audio in Vocabulary,expantion with audio is without AUDIO, so such a cultiral note I can take from somewhere else but not as a paying subscriber.
1 Idioms and Proverbs - It's ok but maybe asan extra lesson to 4 a week, or later but not now.
So what is left? One lesson of Lower Intermediate a week.
Too long to wait for a lesson too slow pace.
So my demand is to make audio to all words in vocabulary and to all sentances in expansion. Second, to make more useful and interesting lessons for a beginner to a french. Two Beginner,One Newbie and 1 Intermediate a week. Audioblogs and Culture class once in 2 weeks or a month.