
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sydney: Describing Your Profession in French. Sydney Here.
Laurent: Bonjour, I'm Laurent.
Sydney: In this lesson, you’ll learn about describing a job. The conversation takes place at a canteen.
Laurent: It's between Thomas and Naïma.
Sydney: The speakers are co-workers, therefore, they will speak both formal and informal French. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Thomas: Bonjour, cela vous dérange si je m'assois ici ?
Naïma: Mais bien sûr ! Aucun souci. Tu es nouveau il me semble ?
Thomas: Merci, c'est très gentil. Effectivement, je viens d'arriver. Je suis le nouveau stagiaire de Laurène, dans le service après vente.
Naïma: Très bien ! Je m'appelle Naïma et je suis responsable du service informatique.
Thomas: Intéressant ! En quoi consiste votre travail au quotidien ?
Naïma: Je dois m'occuper de 50 employés du service informatique.
Thomas: Grosse responsabilité ! Vous aimez donc l'informatique.
Naïma: Oh oui ! Je suis une geek dans l'âme !
Sydney: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Thomas: Bonjour, cela vous dérange si je m'assois ici ?
Naïma: Mais bien sûr ! Aucun souci. Tu es nouveau il me semble ?
Thomas: Merci, c'est très gentil. Effectivement, je viens d'arriver. Je suis le nouveau stagiaire de Laurène, dans le service après vente.
Naïma: Très bien ! Je m'appelle Naïma et je suis responsable du service informatique.
Thomas: Intéressant ! En quoi consiste votre travail au quotidien ?
Naïma: Je dois m'occuper de 50 employés du service informatique.
Thomas: Grosse responsabilité ! Vous aimez donc l'informatique.
Naïma: Oh oui ! Je suis une geek dans l'âme !
Sydney: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Thomas: Hello, do you mind if I sit here?
Naïma: Sure! No problem. You are new, it seems to me?
Thomas: Thank you, it's very kind of you. Indeed, I just came here. I'm Laurène's new trainee, after-sales service.
Naïma: Good! My name is Naïma and I'm in charge of the IT department.
Thomas: Interesting! What is your daily job?
Naïma: I have to take care of 50 employees from the IT department.
Thomas: It's a big responsibility! So you must like IT.
Naïma: Totally! I'm a computer nerd!
Sydney: Laurent, what is the school system like in France?
Laurent: School education is mandatory for children between six and sixteen.
Sydney: How are the different schools divided?
Laurent: There is école élementaire, "elementary education", and the first four years of secondary education is collège.
Sydney: What happens after those first four years of secondary education?
Laurent: There is more secondary education, enseignement secondaire, and enseignement supérieur.
Sydney: "Higher education." What type of education do you need in order to get a job?
Laurent: It depends on the job. There is university, private schools, and professional schools.
Sydney: The private schools and professional schools are more career-oriented.
Laurent: The main advantage of French universities are that they are cheaper than those schools.
Sydney: How much does it cost?
Laurent: University is about 500 euros a year, and private schools are 5,000 euros.
Sydney: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Sydney: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Laurent: souci [natural native speed]
Sydney: "problem"
Laurent: souci [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: souci [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Laurent: consister [natural native speed]
Sydney: "to comprise"
Laurent: consister [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: consister [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Laurent: quotidien [natural native speed]
Sydney: "daily"
Laurent: quotidien [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: quotidien [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Laurent: service [natural native speed]
Sydney: "department"
Laurent: service [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: service [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Laurent: intéressant [natural native speed]
Sydney: "interesting (at a good price), raise interest"
Laurent: intéressant [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: intéressant [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Laurent: responsabilité [natural native speed]
Sydney: "responsibility"
Laurent: responsabilité [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: responsabilité [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Laurent: informatique [natural native speed]
Sydney: "IT"
Laurent: informatique [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: informatique [natural native speed]
Sydney: And last...
Laurent: geek [natural native speed]
Sydney: "nerd"
Laurent: geek [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laurent: geek [natural native speed]
Sydney: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Laurent: Est-ce que cela vous dérange ?
Sydney: meaning "Does it bother you?" Let’s take a closer look at this phrase.
Laurent: Est-ce que is an expression.
Sydney: It’s a convenient way to begin an informal question in French. It changes every sentence into a question.
Laurent: Also, in the example sentence, dérange comes from the verb déranger.
Sydney: That verb means "to bother."
Laurent: Also, cela means "this," and vous means "you."
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laurent: Sure. For example, you can say... Est-ce que cela vous dérange si j'emprunte cette chaise ?
Sydney: ...which means "Do you mind if I borrow this chair?"
Sydney: Okay, what's the next word?
Laurent: effectivement
Sydney: meaning "indeed." This is an adverb.
Laurent: It can also mean "actually" or "effectively."
Sydney: When in a sentence would we use it?
Laurent: Either at the beginning of a sentence, or after a verb.
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this word?
Laurent: Sure. For example, you can say... Effectivement, il fait beau aujourd'hui.
Sydney: ... which means "Indeed, the weather is nice today."
Sydney: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Sydney: In this lesson, you'll learn about describing a job. Sometimes, there might not be a single word that can describe your position.
Laurent: Or if there is, the person you’re talking to might not fully understand what it is.
Sydney: They might ask you for more information.
Laurent: Yes, an example is En quoi consiste votre travail ?
Sydney: "What is your job exactly?" Let’s hear some examples of how to answer this.
Laurent: Je suis assistant, dans l’administratif.
Sydney: "I’m an administrative assistant."
Laurent: Je suis responsable d’un salon de coiffure.
Sydney: "I’m in charge of a hairdressing salon."
Laurent: Je dois prendre des rendez-vous pour les patients.
Sydney: "I have to make appointments for patients."
Laurent: Mon travail consiste en ...
Sydney: "My job involves…"
Laurent: Mon projet de travail est de...
Sydney: "My work plan is..." If somebody does tell you something that you’re not sure of, you might have to ask for clarification.
Laurent: An easy phrase to remember is ...il me semble ?
Sydney: This means "...it seems to me?"
Laurent: You use this phrase to confirm what you think.
Sydney: It goes at the end of the sentence. Let’s hear some examples.
Laurent: La réunion est à 11 heures il me semble?
Sydney: "The meeting is at 11PM, it seems to me?"
Laurent: Tu es nouveau il me semble ?
Sydney: "You are new, it seems to me?"
Laurent: You can also use c’est bien cela ?
Sydney: "That’s right…?" or "...isn’t it?"
Laurent: La réunion est à 11 heures, c’est bien cela ?
Sydney: "The meeting is at 11PM, isn’t it?"


Sydney: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Laurent: A la prochaine!

