
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason: Hi everyone, I’m Jason.
Ingrid: And I’m Ingrid!
Jason: 4! In this lesson, you'll learn 5 essential words related to Food &Drink. These are five common French homecooked meals. Hand picked.
Jason: Ingrid, what’s our first word?
Ingrid: Ratatouille
Jason: a vegetable dish containing eggplant, zucchini, onion, and tomato
Ingrid: (slow) Ratatouille (regular) Ratatouille
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Ratatouille
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: This is a recipe made of many mediterranean vegetables slow-cooked in the same casserole.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Ratatouille est le nom d'un dessin-animé populaire de Disney qui se passe à Paris
Jason: Ratatouille is also the name of a famous Disney movie which takes place in Paris.
Ingrid: (slow) Ratatouille est le nom d'un dessin-animé populaire de Disney qui se passe à Paris
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Aligot
Jason: a cheese and potato puree
Ingrid: (slow) Aligot (regular) Aligot
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Aligot
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Aligot is a "purée" made of mashed potatoes, cream, cheese and butter. This is a traditional recipe from the "Aubrac" region in central France.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) L'aligot est un plat qui se mange en particulier l'hiver
Jason: Aligot is a recipe especially consumed in the winter season
Ingrid: (slow) L'aligot est un plat qui se mange en particulier l'hiver
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Bouillabaisse
Jason: shellfish and fish stew
Ingrid: (slow) Bouillabaisse (regular) Bouillabaisse
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Bouillabaisse
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: This is a really old recipe which is typically from Marseille in southern France. It traditionally contains fish, shellfish, vegetables, and herbs.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) La bouillabaisse était à l'origine un plat pour les pêcheurs pauvres
Jason: La bouillabaisse was originally a recipe for poor fishermen.
Ingrid: (slow) La bouillabaisse était à l'origine un plat pour les pêcheurs pauvres
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Moules-frites
Jason: mussels with french fries
Ingrid: (slow) Moules-frites (regular) Moules-frites
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Moules-frites
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: This dish is composed of steamed mussels in white wine, with French fries -
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Les moules-frites sont au départ une recette belge
Jason: Moules-frites is originally a Belgian recipe
Ingrid: (slow) Les moules-frites sont au départ une recette belge
Jason: Okay, what’s the last word?
Ingrid: Tarte tatin
Jason: upside-down apple pie with caramel sauce
Ingrid: (slow) Tarte tatin (regular) Tarte tatin
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Tarte tatin
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: This is an apple pie made with shortcrust pastry, apples coated with caramel, and thick cream or ice cream. It has to be served warm with vanilla ice cream or cold cream on it. It is a hot-cold dessert.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) La tarte tatin est un dessert populaire qui peut être commandé dans la plupart des brasseries françaises
Jason: Tarte Tatin is a common dessert that can be ordered in most French "brasseries" (traditional French restaurants).
Ingrid: (slow) La tarte tatin est un dessert populaire qui peut être commandé dans la plupart des brasseries françaises
Jason: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Ingrid will give you the French – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Ingrid: Ratatouille
[pause]Jason: a vegetable dish containing eggplant, zucchini, onion, and tomato
Ingrid: Aligot
[pause]Jason: a cheese and potato puree
Ingrid: Bouillabaisse
[pause]Jason: shellfish and fish stew
Ingrid: Moules-frites
[pause]Jason: mussels with french fries
Ingrid: Tarte tatin
[pause]Jason: upside-down apple pie with caramel sauce


Jason: There you have it – 5 popular homecooked meals in France! Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Ingrid: À bientôt !

