
Vocabulary (Review)

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Michael: How can a word be masculine or feminine?
Aurore: And how can you tell its gender?
Michael: At FrenchPod101.com, we hear these questions often.
In the following situation, a language learner is out buying groceries. Sasha Lee, a high school student, is at a supermarket with her friend (Doriane Dantois). She says to the clerk,
"An apple and a lemon, please."
Sasha Lee: Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
Sasha Lee: Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
Doriane Dantois: Une seule pomme et un seul citron?
Michael: Once more with the English translation.
Sasha Lee: Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
Michael: "An apple and a lemon, please."
Doriane Dantois: Une seule pomme et un seul citron?
Michael: "Only one apple and only one lemon?"
Michael: Did you notice that the nouns,
Aurore: pomme
Michael: and
Aurore: citron,
Michael: are preceded by different-sounding versions of the article,
Aurore: un?
Michael: This is because in French, every noun has a gender, and the article changes to match that gender. Other Romance languages have masculine and feminine nouns, too. It's a trait that comes from Latin. In fact, it's common among many languages in the Indo-European language family. But gender here doesn't mean that a word is somehow male or female. People don't think of certain objects as somehow being like a man or somehow like a woman. And in most cases, the gender of a French word is based on the gender that was assigned to it in Latin.
Michael: Let's take a closer look at the conversation.
Do you remember how Sasha (@hero-daughter) says,
"An apple and a lemon, please."
Sasha Lee:
Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
Michael: Here, the word for "apple" is feminine and the word for "lemon" is masculine. But how do we know which nouns are which? The easiest way to tell the gender of a noun is by looking at the last letter of the word.
The general rule is that if a noun ends with an -e, it's feminine. For example,
Aurore: la pomme
Michael: meaning "apple,"
Aurore: la femme
Michael: meaning "woman," and
Aurore: la lune
Michael: meaning "moon."
Nouns that end with any other letter are generally masculine, like
Aurore: le citron,
Michael: "lemon,"
Aurore: le mec,
Michael: meaning "guy," or
Aurore: le soleil,
Michael: meaning "sun."
The only thing is, there are lots of exceptions. For example,
Aurore: le fromage,
meaning "cheese," is masculine even though it ends with an -e.
Another example is
Aurore: la voix,
Michael: meaning "voice." This word is feminine even though it doesn't end with an -e.
Because there are so many exceptions to the general pattern, it's best to learn nouns and their articles together.
Michael: Now let's take a quick look at how adjectives are affected by the gender of the nouns they modify.
Do you remember how Sasha's friend (@HIGHSCHOOL-FRIEND-F) says,
"Only one apple and only one lemon?"
Aurore: Une seule pomme et un seul citron?
Michael: Here the noun,
Aurore: pomme
Michael: Follows the word,
Aurore: seule,
Michael: And the word,
Aurore: citron,
Michael: follows the word,
Aurore: seul.
Michael: Both
Aurore: seule
Michael: and
Aurore: seul
Michael: mean "only." But they are different because the word changes its form depending on the noun it modifies. In other words, when an adjective is modifying a masculine noun, it must also be masculine, and when an adjective is modifying a feminine noun, it must also be feminine. Since the word for "lemon" is masculine, the word for "only" must be
Aurore: seul.
Michael: And because the word for "apple" is femine, the word for "only" must be
Aurore: Seule.
Michael: So far we've learned that the ending -e is the best way to identify a feminine noun. Other words are usually masculine. However, there are many exceptions to this rule, so it is best to remember a noun's gender when learning the noun itself.
Michael: There are, however, a few other indicators.
Some endings that almost always indicate the masculine gender are
Aurore: -age,
Michael: as in
Aurore: le fromage,
Michael: or "cheese,"
Aurore: -ment,
Michael: as in
Aurore: le document,
Michael: or "document,"
Aurore: -eau
Michael: as in
Aurore: l'oiseau,
Michael: or "bird," and
Aurore: -oir
Michael: as in
Aurore: le miroir
Michael: or "the mirror." If you see these letter patterns when you're studying French, it's safe to assume those nouns are masculine.
Some feminine ending patterns are
Aurore: -tion or -sion
Michael: as in
Aurore: la nation
Michael: meaning, "the nation,"
Aurore: -té
Michael: as in
Aurore: la liberté
Michael: or "liberty" and
Aurore: -euse
Michael: as in
Aurore: la chanteuse,
Michael: or "the singer." You can assume that words ending with these letter patterns are feminine.
Michael: Let's review. Respond to the prompts by speaking aloud. Then repeat after the French speaker, focusing on pronunciation.
Do you remember how to say,
"An apple and a lemon, please."
[Beep. Pause 5 seconds.]
Aurore as Sasha Lee: Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
Michael: Listen again and repeat.
Aurore as Sasha Lee: Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
[Beep. Pause 5 seconds.]
Une pomme et un citron, s'il vous plaît.
Michael: And how to say,
"Only one apple and one lemon?"
[Beep. Pause 5 seconds.]
Aurore as Doriane Dantois: Une seule pomme et un seul citron?
Michael: Listen again and repeat.
Aurore as Doriane Dantois: Une seule pomme et un seul citron?
[Beep. Pause 5 seconds.]
Une seule pomme et un seul citron?
Michael: Great job. Now you know how to use gender in French. That's all there is to it!
Be sure to download the lesson notes for this lesson at FrenchPod101.com — and move onto the next lesson!

