Welcome to Fun &Easy French by FrenchPod101.com! |
Do you know how the French way of conducting business differs from the American way? |
Salut, je suis Lya. |
Hi everyone! I’m Lya. |
In this lesson, you’ll learn 7 do’s and don’ts when visiting France. |
Any seasoned traveller knows that each country has its own culture, customs and etiquette for social interaction. |
"Dos" and "Don'ts" comprise of unspoken rules that people adhere to almost instinctively. |
These rules are highly specific to each country and culture, even if there are overlaps with others. |
In this video, you'll learn how to observe etiquette when dining, in public places, when greeting, and also when visiting people. |
Then I'll explain good social conduct when using public transportation, when you’re at the shops, and also when conducting business in France. |
Let’s start with French etiquette at the dining table. |
Savoir-vivre simply means "good manners". |
Practice saying it with me! |
Savoir-vivre |
"Good manners" |
[SLOWLY] Savoir-vivre |
Savoir-vivre |
Good! |
These refer to French etiquette and table manners, and they aren’t things you can improvise. |
But there are also some misconceptions and exaggerations about the importance of social etiquette in France. |
You won't, for instance, go to prison for placing your fork on the wrong side of the plate! |
The truth is that it depends on what you’re doing in France and who you socialize with. |
Often, eating at a kebab joint with your friends won't require the same etiquette that's expected when fine dining with your boss. |
Also, some rules are just common sense, such as complimenting your host on their cooking. |
If the food is gross, don't be too vocal about it. |
Also, don't splash the sauce everywhere while you're eating. |
And refrain from stealing the silverware or sticking your fork in anyone's eye! |
These rules are obvious. But there are still some serious don'ts when eating or dining in France that you should know about! |
First - don't start eating or drinking before everyone is served. |
Trust me, this is an important rule, no matter where you’re at or who you’re eating with! |
At home, you can speed up the process by serving the people around you. |
At the restaurant, you should wait until everyone gets their plate before you jump on yours. |
In a bar, you should wait until everybody’s holding a drink before raising your glass for a sip or a toast. |
By the way, a common French toast is: |
Santé! |
“Cheers!” |
[SLOWLY] Santé! |
Santé! |
The next "Don't" at the dinner table is common to many Western countries. |
No matter where or who you’re with, eat quietly and with your mouth closed. |
Do not slurp, burp, gargle or chew so your food is visible to others, it's just not acceptable! |
The one big "Do" when eating is to have a lot of time available, especially for bigger meals and gatherings. |
French meals are slow to start and even slower to finish. |
Unless you’re with close friends at a casual event, it’s usually considered rude to leave the table before the meal ends. |
Of course, if you have a reasonable excuse to do so, nobody will throw rocks at you! |
But, it's generally better not to be in a rush. |
Now you’ll learn how to behave respectfully in public places. |
You’re likely to spend a lot of your time in public places such as parks, squares, and halls. |
Some manners are very important to observe in these places. |
The first "Don't" is to not sniffle loudly and repeatedly when you have a cold. |
Just blow your nose as quietly as possible in a tissue or handkerchief. |
In some countries, blowing your nose is considered rude and disgusting, like in South Korea, for instance. |
There it wouldn't be a problem to sniffle as much as it takes to keep the mucus inside your nose. |
Not so much in France. |
You’ll definitely irritate someone very quickly if you keep sniffling back the mucus. |
So just blow your nose already! |
However, don't do this while sitting at the dinner table. That would be bad etiquette. |
Wiping your nose with a tissue would be fine. |
If you need more relief, just excuse yourself and find a private corner to blow your nose quietly. |
Your friends will most likely prefer one short blow to a sniffling concerto! |
You should gather by now that the quieter you do things in France, the better. |
This is an important custom, no matter where you find yourself. |
Do you know how to greet French people in the proper way? |
It's OK if you're not sure. |
Greetings in France can be a confusing experience if you’re not prepared for what we call |
la bise |
"kiss" |
[SLOWLY] la bise |
la bise |
This is a very, very French custom! |
It simply involves placing your hands gently on the other person's shoulders, leaning forward towards them, and placing your right cheek close to theirs while miming a kiss in the air. |
Do this on both sides. |
If you know them well, a bear hug would be in order. |
When you join a group of French, it's considered good etiquette to greet everyone this way. |
Introduce yourself by simply saying your name. |
At business meetings, shaking hands with everyone present would be the best greeting. |
The French handshake is brief, one up and down movement, with a firm grip and eye-contact. |
With friends and acquaintances, a short handshake is common among men. |
Air-kissing is more common among women and between men and women. |
There's etiquette involved in using the formal Monsieur and Madame. Let's first practice the pronunciation. |
Monsieur |
"Sir" |
[SLOWLY] Monsieur |
Monsieur. |
And now: |
Madame |
"Madam" |
[SLOWLY] Madame |
Madame |
And finally: |
Mademoiselle |
"Miss" |
[SLOWLY] Mademoiselle |
Mademoiselle |
Good! |
Now, the rule is not to overuse them. |
These are terms of address that show respect. |
But they can be stiff and overly formal with friends and coworkers of the same rank. |
It's not wrong to use Monsieur or Madame when addressing shop or restaurant staff, but the same applies - it may be a bit solemn. |
Mademoiselle has an old-fashioned ring to it. |
But, it’s lost a lot of its appeal because of its overuse in cheap pickup lines. |
If someone is young enough to be called Mademoiselle, you probably don't need to use this formal term with them. |
Next we’ll have a look at the do’s and don'ts for visiting people.. |
When invited for dinner, it’s polite to thank your host with a gift of some sort. |
There’s no strict rule about what you should bring, but for formal occasions, flowers or a bottle of wine are safe bets. |
In more casual company, any liquor or delicacy will do. |
Among friends, it’s common in France to make the meal a collaborative experience. |
This means that someone brings the starters, others are in charge of the main dishes, while someone else brings dessert and so forth. |
Punctuality is another "Do" that's highly appreciated in France. |
This is customary especially in business, but also among friends. |
It's OK to be a bit late, but try to arrive on time, or let your host know that you'll be running late. |
Always inform your host if you can’t make it, preferably ahead of time. |
You’ll now learn how to behave properly in public transportation. |
All the rules about behavior in public places apply, but there are a few recommendations for making things run smoothly. |
For instance, if you have to wait for a bus or a train, be sure to patiently take and keep your place in line. |
Be respectful to the people around you. |
If you're in a serious rush, you could ask them politely if they mind you moving ahead of them, but accept it if they refuse. |
When boarding your train or bus, don’t act like you’re in a barbaric mob! |
Some commuters might rudely push to board, but in general, most will wait in a somewhat orderly line. |
Another "Don't" on public transport is to listen to your music on speakers or have loud phone conversations. |
If you want a soundtrack to make your ride more entertaining, you should keep it private by using headphones. |
Playing music on your phone’s speaker or giant boombox is considered tasteless and rude. |
As for loud conversations, your friends probably won't mind, but keep your voice down when you're among strangers. |
On the city bus, tramway, or metro, it’s polite to offer your seat to the elderly, to pregnant women, or those with disabilities. |
Most public transports have priority seats dedicated to these people. |
Yet, offering them your seat if there's nothing available for them is good etiquette. |
You’re free to use any priority seat as long as it's not taken or needed. |
Finally we have etiquette for conducting business. |
If you're on the other side of the transaction, don't use aggressive selling techniques. |
French business etiquette demands that customers be handled with tact and patience. |
We just don’t respond well to pushy, aggressive tactics! |
We also don't like to make hasty or impulsive decisions, especially in business. |
Deals are rarely finalized in the first meeting, and high-pressure sales tactics won't work. |
In fact, it may provoke enough reluctance to ruin your chances of an otherwise good sale. |
The next rule of etiquette in French business might sound a little counterintuitive, but it’s nevertheless very important! |
When presenting your ideas, don’t get upset if you’re interrupted by friends, colleagues or business partners asking questions or giving opinions. |
They’re not being rude! |
It's just that constructive criticism is highly regarded in France. |
Therefore, you should be ready to openly discuss the merits and flaws of your ideas. |
This is how the French show their interest in your ideas and opinions! |
In this lesson you learned how to observe etiquette when dining, in public places, when greeting, and also when visiting people. |
I also explained good social conduct when using public transportation, at the shops, and also when conducting business in France. |
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That’s it for today! See you next time! |
A la prochaine! |