
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Virginie: Salut à tous! Bonjour!
Eric: Hello everyone, Eric here. Do People Understand Where You're Coming From?
Virginie: I am Virginie and welcome back.
Eric: Welcome back. In this lesson, you will be learning about how to talk about yourself and other people.
Virginie: We are still following Joe and he is still sitting by Manon, and they both share more about themselves.
Eric: And this conversation is still taking place on the plane just before take-off.
Virginie: And our speakers are still talking informally.
Eric: Let’s have a listen.

Lesson conversation

Joe: Donc, c'est qui ce chanteur ?
Manon: Pardon ?
Joe: "Ça m'énerve."
Manon: Oh, c'est Helmut Fritz.
Joe: Je vois. Tu viens d'où ?
Manon: Je viens de Lyon.
Joe: Ah oui, Lyon.
Manon: Et toi ? Tu es américain ?
Joe: Oui.
Manon: Tu es de New York ?
Joe: Non, je ne suis pas de New York. Je suis californien.
Manon: Oh, vraiment ?
Eric: One more time, a little more slowly.
Virginie: Encore une fois, plus lentement.
Joe: Donc, c'est qui ce chanteur ?
Manon: Pardon ?
Joe: "Ça m'énerve."
Manon: Oh, c'est Helmut Fritz.
Joe: Je vois. Tu viens d'où ?
Manon: Je viens de Lyon.
Joe: Ah oui, Lyon.
Manon: Et toi ? Tu es américain ?
Joe: Oui.
Manon: Tu es de New York ?
Joe: Non, je ne suis pas de New York. Je suis californien.
Manon: Oh, vraiment ?
Eric: One more time, with the translation.
Virginie: Encore une fois, avec la traduction.
Joe: Donc, c'est qui ce chanteur ?
Eric: So who is this singer?
Manon: Pardon ?
Eric: Sorry?
Joe: "Ça m'énerve."
Eric: "Ça m'énerve."
Manon: Oh, c'est Helmut Fritz.
Eric: Oh, it is Edmund Fritz.
Joe: Je vois. Tu viens d'où ?
Eric: I see. Where are you from?
Manon: Je viens de Lyon.
Eric: I'm from Lyon.
Joe: Ah oui, Lyon.
Eric: Ah yes, Lyon.
Manon: Et toi ? Tu es américain ?
Eric: And you? Are you American?
Joe: Oui.
Eric: Yes.
Manon: Tu es de New York ?
Eric: Are you from New York?
Joe: Non, je ne suis pas de New York. Je suis californien.
Eric: No, I'm not from New York. I come from California.
Manon: Oh, vraiment?
Eric: Oh, really?
Eric: Now, Manon gives us some new insights about this character Helmut Fritz.
Virginie: Yes, remember the singer? Eric, did you get the chance to listen to that song since our last lesson?
Eric: Yes, actually, it’s pretty funny.
Virginie: Yeah I like it. Some pop singers in France are very, very good.
Eric: Right. For example, Philippe Katerine is very funny.
Virginie: Oh yes, he is so edgy.
Eric: [I have the feeling that French pop music is mostly based on the lyrics.
Virginie: Yes that’s true. The songs are lyric centered if I may say so. The orchestration is not that important.
Eric: Yeah. I personally also love Yann Tiersen.
Virginie: Oh, Yann Tiersen. Yes, and actually Eric, that’s a good example of instrumentally focused songs.
Eric: Right. He is more of a musician.
Virginie: Yes and he made the music for Amelie, you know, the movie. He is a great violin player.
Eric: Ah yeah. Okay so let’s go for some of the vocabulary.
Eric: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Virginie: donc [natural native speed]
Eric: so, therefore
Virginie: donc [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: donc [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: qui [natural native speed]
Eric: who, that
Virginie: qui [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: qui [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: un chanteur [natural native speed]
Eric: a singer
Virginie: un chanteur [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: un chanteur [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: où [natural native speed]
Eric: where
Virginie: où [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: où [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: venir de [natural native speed]
Eric: to come from, to have just
Virginie: venir de [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: venir de [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: je suis [natural native speed]
Eric: I am
Virginie: je suis [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: je suis [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: ça m'énerve [natural native speed]
Eric: it annoys me
Virginie: ça m'énerve [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: ça m'énerve [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: je vois [natural native speed]
Eric: I see
Virginie: je vois [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: je vois [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: vraiment [natural native speed]
Eric: truly, really
Virginie: vraiment [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: vraiment [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: américain/e [natural native speed]
Eric: American
Virginie: américain/e [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: américain/e [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: californien(e) [natural native speed]
Eric: Californian
Virginie: californien(e) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: californien(e) [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: et toi [natural native speed]
Eric: and you
Virginie: et toi [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: et toi [natural native speed]
: Next:
Virginie: tu [natural native speed]
Eric: you (informal)
Virginie: tu [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Virginie: tu [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Virginie: The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Eric: since we were talking about French music, let's see the word chanteur
Virginie: Yes that means singer. Male singer.
Eric: Yes French Language has genders.
Virginie: So most of the professions, such as singer, or actor, they agree to the gender.
Eric: So how do you say "a female singer"?
Virginie: It is chanteuse.
Eric: The end of the word is modified.
Virginie: Yes. Chanteur ends with eur
Eric: And chanteuse ends with euse.
Virginie: And some other professions in French end with eur for the masculine and euse for the feminine.
Eric: Like waiter for example.
Virginie: Yes a waiter is a" serveur"
Eric: And a waitress is "serveuse"
Virginie: So the end of the word eur turns into euse at the feminine form.
Eric: OK. What other word are we looking at Virginie?
Virginie: The next word is "donc"
Eric: And in English, it's "so"
Virginie: Yes Joe says "so who is this singer, donc c'est qui ce chanteur?
Eric: Joe obviously wants to start a conversation...
Virginie: I think he wants to practice his French, right?
Eric: Right… his French.
Virginie: What do you mean?
Eric: Maybe he just want to talk to the girl on the plane.
Virginie: Yeah, maybe she’s cute, it’s true. We’ll know later, I guess. What is our last word?
Eric: "vraiment?
Virginie: Yes, Manon say "vraiment?" when Joe says he's not from New York. She says "vraiment?"
Eric: So I think she assumes all Americans come form New York.
Virginie: Apparemment, oui. Apparently, yes.
Eric: Because Vraiment is "really" in English.
Virginie: Oh, really? Oh, vraiment?
Eric: Oui, vraiment. Yes, really.
Virginie: Okay, it’s time for some grammar now.

Lesson focus

Virginie: Today, we’ll focus on the question "qui c'est?"
Eric: You ask this question when you want to know about someone.
Virginie: Qui c'est is "who is it?”
Eric: The first word is qui, which means “who?”
Virginie: And the second part of the question is , "c'est",
Eric: So literally it means "Who this is?”
Virginie: Yes, and to answer this question…
Eric: You will say "C'est", "This is...."
Virginie: So imagine that Eric and I are at the White House's garden party and George Clooney is there but of course I don't know him because I never go to the movies,
I will ask Eric "Qui c'est?" who is this?
Eric: and I will answer C'est George Clooney. This is George Clooney
Virginie: Of course Eric and I didn't go to the White House's garden party.
Eric: YEs we had better things to do.
Virginie: Ok now you probably want to know how to ask someone where he or she is from?
Eric: It's easy too.
Virginie: Yes Joe asks Manon tu viens d'ou?
Eric: Let's break it down. The first word is "tu"
Virginie: And that's you
Eric: And that's informal, Joe and Manon qre young so they directly use the informal pronoun tu
Virginie: Then we have "viens"
Eric: And that's come
Virginie: Finally we have "d'ou (spell), form where?
Eric: Let's hear it again
Eric: And Joe's answer was Je, I,
Virginie: suis
Eric: am
Virginie: californien
Eric: Californian
Virginie: of course.
Eric: Je suis Californien. I am californian.
Virginie: OK, I think we saw that most important points here.


Eric: Ok! That just about does it for this lesson.
Virginie: Thank you all for listening.
Eric: Thank you very much!

