
Vocabulary (Review)

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Candice: Imagine you are at a grocery store in France. You want to buy a few things. What do you do? Bonjour, je suis Candice. Candice here. Anyone can learn how to go grocery shopping in France. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Sasha and Karen are shopping at the supermarket. Let's watch!
Store Clerk: Bonjour.
Karen: Bonjour.
Store Clerk: Avez-vous la carte de fidélité du magasin?
Karen: Oui, voilà.
Store Clerk: Alors, cela fera 67 euros et 89 centimes, s'il vous plaît.
Store Clerk: Merci. Voici votre monnaie.
Karen: Bonne journée, au revoir!
Store Clerk: Merci, vous aussi, au revoir!
Sasha: Au revoir!
Candice: Now with English!
Store Clerk: Hello.
Karen: Hello.
Store Clerk: Do you have the store's loyalty card?
Karen: Yes, here you are.
Store Clerk: So, this will be 67 euros and 89 cents, please.
Store Clerk: Thank you. Here is your change.
Karen: Have a nice day, goodbye!
Store Clerk: Thanks, you too, goodbye!
Sasha: Goodbye!
Candie: Here are the key words from the scene.
Karen: bonjour, bonjour
Becky: hello
Karen: bonjour,bonjour, bonjour
Karen: monnaie, monnaie
Becky: change
Karen: monnaie, monnaie, monnaie
Karen: euros, euros
Becky: euros
Karen: euros, ,euros, euros
Karen: centimes, centimes
Becky: cents
Karen: centimes, centimes, centimes
Karen: merci, merci
Becky: thank you
Karen: merci, merci, merci
Karen: voilà, voilà
Becky: there you go
Karen: voilà, voilà, voilà
Candice: And now, a breakdown of some of the French you heard in the scene.
Becky: In the scene, what does the store clerk ask Karen for?
Store Clerk: Avez-vous la carte de fidélité du magasin?
Yasmine: carte de fidélité. carte de fidélité.
Becky: The word...
Yasmine: carte
Becky: means "card" and
Yasmine: de fidélité
Becky: are literally "of loyalty."
Becky: Supermarkets in France have loyalty cards or rewards cards that give regular customers points or cash back for shopping at that supermarket.
Becky: At a store in France, you may hear the phrase...
Yasmine: Avez-vous la carte de fidélité du magasin?
Becky: The words...
Yasmine: Avez-vous
Becky: are "do you have..." and the words
Yasmine: du magasin
Becky: are literally "of the store."
Becky: So all together...
Yasmine: Avez-vous la carte de fidélité du magasin?
Becky: is, "Do you have the store's loyalty card?" So it's a good phrase to remember when you go shopping in France!
Becky: Now, you try! Say the words for "loyalty card."
Store Clerk: carte de fidélité
Becky: What does Karen say as she leaves the grocery store?
Karen: Bonne journée, au revoir!
Yasmine: Bonne journée. Bonne journée
Becky: The word...
Yasmine: bonne
Becky: is "good" in the feminine form because the word...
Yasmine: journée,
Becky: which is "day", is feminine.
Becky: When you are leaving a situation, it is polite to say, "Have a good day!" to the people you were speaking to.
Becky: You can also say....
Yasmine: Passez une bonne journée.
Becky: Literally "to spend a nice day" to mean the same thing. The word...
Yasmine: passez
Becky: is a conjugated form of the verb...
Yasmine: passer
Becky: "to spend" and the word...
Yasmine: une
Becky: is the article "a" for feminine nouns.
Becky: Now you try! Say Karen's line.
Karen: Bonne journée au revoir!

Lesson focus

Candice: Now, the lesson focus. Here is how you can go grocery shopping in France.
Becky: Have you ever wanted shop at a...
Yasmine: supermarché
Becky: "supermarket" in France? Here are some tips to help you out.
Becky: In France there are many big chain supermarkets, with some even offering...
Yasmine: services de station-service
Becky: "gas station services." Usually, French people go to the supermarket once a week.
Becky: If you want to use a "shopping cart," you can find them in the parking lot rather than at the front of the store. You have to use one euro to rent one out, which you will get back at the end of your shopping trip.
Becky: Also, cashiers do not weigh your vegetables and fruit for you. You have to do it yourself. You place the fruit and vegetables on a scale and a "bar-code sticker" comes out of the machine. Then, you place the sticker on the bag and take it to the cash register.
Becky: It is also a good idea to bring your own shopping bags. Usually supermarkets charge for plastic shopping bags, and you have to bag your groceries by yourself.
Becky: If you are looking to get a discount, getting a
Yasmine: carte de fidélité
Becky: "supermarket loyalty card" is a great idea. You can rack up points and get deals on certain items.
Becky: Some supermarkets even have...
Yasmine: catalogue de cadeaux
Becky: "gift catalogs." These have gifts that correspond to how many points you have. Once you have accumulated enough points, you can pick out a gift from the catalog.
Becky: If you are looking for something more unique, you can try one of France's many...
Yasmine: magasins spécialisés
Becky: "specialty shops."
Becky: Speciality shops come in all kinds from cheese shops, to tobacco shops to organic food stores. Of course, you can get many things from regular supermarkets. However, if you are looking for a wider variety or for something really unique, these are the places to go.
Becky: When you are finished shopping and leaving the store, don't forget to say...
Yasmine: Bonne journée.
Becky: "Have a good day!" to the person who helped you. This is very polite and shows respect to the shop staff.
Candice: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You are at a grocery store in France and would like to check out. Ready? Here we go!
Becky: You need to get a grocery cart to start your shopping. What will you need in French?
Becky: 1.) a grocery store loyalty card 2.) one euro 3.) nothing
Yasmine: un euro
Becky: You want to buy some French cheese. Where is the best place to go in French?
Becky: 1.) a big supermarket 2.) a specialty shop 3.) a cheese farm
Yasmine: magasin spécialisé
Becky: How do you say "Have a good day" to the shop clerk before you leave the store?
Yasmine: Bonne journée.
Becky: Great job!
Yasmine: un euro
Yasmine: magasin spécialisé
Yasmine: Bonne journée.


Candice: Bon travail! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, you're ready to go grocery shopping in France! Have a good time! À la prochaine!
Store Clerk: Bonjour.
Karen: Bonjour.
Store Clerk: Avez-vous la carte de fidélité du magasin?
Karen: Oui, voilà.
Store Clerk: Alors, cela fera 67 euros et 89 centimes, s'il vous plaît.
Store Clerk: Merci. Voici votre monnaie.
Karen: Bonne journée, au revoir!
Store Clerk: Merci, vous aussi, au revoir!
Sasha: Au revoir!

