
Vocabulary (Review)

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Candice: Imagine you are at home and want to order delivery in French. What do you do? Bonjour, je suis Candice. Anyone can learn how to order food over the phone. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Mark, Marcel and Sasha are watching a soccer game. They decide to order pizza over the phone. Let's watch!
Restaurant worker: Allô? Ici "super pizza," j'écoute!
Mark: Bonsoir, j'aimerais commander une pizza jambon-fromage, une pizza aux légumes et une pizza quatre fromages s'il vous plaît.
Restaurant worker: Et avec ceci?
Mark: Une bouteille de Coca s'il vous plaît.
Restaurant worker: D'accord.
Mark: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au 111, rue de France, s'il vous plaît?
Restaurant worker: Très bien, votre commande vous sera livrée dans une demi-heure.
Mark: Merci.
Restaurant worker: Au revoir.
Mark: Au revoir.
Candice: Now, with English!
Restaurant worker: Hello? This is "super pizza," How may I help you?
Mark: Good evening, I would like to order a ham and cheese pizza, a vegetable pizza, and a four cheese pizza please.
Restaurant worker: Anything else?
Mark: A bottle of Coke please.
Restaurant worker: Okay.
Mark: Can you deliver it to 111, France Road please?
Restaurant worker: Very well, your order will be delivered to you in half an hour.
Mark: Thank you.
Restaurant worker: Goodbye.
Mark: Goodbye.
Candice: Here are the key words from the scene.
Mark: commander
Jasmine: commander
Becky: to order
Jasmine: commander, commander, commander
Mark: demi-heure
Jasmine: demi-heure
Becky: half an hour
Jasmine: demi-heure, demi-heure, demi-heure
Mark: rue
Jasmine: rue
Becky: street
Jasmine: rue, rue, rue
Mark: livrer
Jasmine: livrer
Becky: deliver
Jasmine: livrer, livrer, livrer
Mark: pizza
Jasmine: pizza
Becky: pizza
Jasmine: pizza, pizza, pizza
Mark: Coca
Jasmine: Coca
Becky: Coke
Jasmine: Coca, Coca, Coca
Candice: And now, a breakdown of some of the French from the scene.
Becky: How does Mark ask the restaurant worker to deliver the pizza to his address?
Restaurant Worker: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au 111, rue de France, s'il vous plaît?
Yasmine: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au 111, rue de France, s'il vous plaît? Vous pouvez livrer la commande au 111, rue de France, s'il vous plaît?
Becky: “Can you deliver the order to ... please?”
Becky: You can use this phrase when you would like a delivery ordered to your house or another location. The word...
Yasmine: vous
Becky: is the pronoun, "you," and the word...
Yasmine: pouvez
Becky: is "can." Together, in English, the words are reversed to make the question, "can you?" The verb...
Yasmine: livrer
Becky: "to deliver" is followed by...
Yasmine: la commande
Becky: "the order." The next word is...
Yasmine: au
Becky: "to" which indicates where you want the order to be sent. After you say this phrase, say the address, followed by...
Yasmine: s'il vous plaît
Becky: "please," to be polite.
Becky: Now, you try! Say, Mark's line.
Restaurant Worker: j'écoute...
Mark: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au 111, rue de France, s'il vous plaît?
Becky: How does Mark place his order?
Mark: Bonsoir, j'aimerais commander une pizza jambon-fromage, une pizza aux légumes et une pizza quatre fromages s'il vous plaît.
Yasmine: Bonsoir, j'aimerais commander une pizza jambon-fromage, une pizza aux légumes et une pizza quatre fromages s'il vous plaît. Bonsoir, j'aimerais commander une pizza jambon-fromage, une pizza aux légumes et une pizza quatre fromages s'il vous plaît.
Becky: The word...
Yasmine: Bonsoir
Becky: is "Good evening," followed by the words...
Yasmine: je
Becky: "I"
Yasmine: voudrais
Becky: "would like" and
Yasmine: commander
Becky: "to order." After that, add what you would like to order. Then, end with...
Yasmine: s'il vous plaît
Becky: "please," politely.
Becky: For example, if you would like to order a large cheese pizza, you would say...
Yasmine: Bonsoir, je voudrais commander une grande pizza au fromage s'il vous plaît
Becky: "Good evening, I would like to order a large cheese pizza, please."
Becky: The word...
Yasmine: une
Becky: is "a" for feminine nouns and the words...
Yasmine: grande pizza
Becky: are, "large pizza." The word for "large" is feminine here because the word for "pizza" in French is feminine. This is followed by...
Yasmine: au fromage
Becky: literally "of cheese."
Becky: Now, you try! Say, Mark's line.
Restaurant worker: Allô? Ici "super pizza," j'écoute!
Mark: Bonsoir, j'aimerais commander une pizza jambon-fromage, une pizza aux légumes et une pizza quatre fromages s'il vous plaît.

Lesson focus

Candice: Now, the lesson focus. Here is how to order delivery over the phone in French.
Becky: It is very easy to find delivery in France. Many people get flyers in their mailboxes. However, doing a simple online search will give you tons of options.
Becky: Just type...
Yasmine: livraison de nourriture
Becky: "Food delivery" into your computer and hit "search."
Becky: Some websites will ask for your address and what kind of food you would like to order. Then, they tell you what's available in your area.
Becky: In France, even supermarkets do delivery. You can order everything online and they'll drop it off at your house.
Becky: If you are calling a delivery place and have decided what you want, you can use the phrase...
Yasmine: J’aimerais commander..... s'il vous plaît?
Becky: Simply put what you want to order after the word...
Yasmine: commander.
Becky: After you place the order, you need to tell the staff where to deliver. In France, you give your address by using the phrase...
Yasmine: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au...s'il vous plaît?
Becky: Simply put your address after the word...
Yasmine: au.
Becky: Usually zip codes are used only in big cities like Paris, so if you are somewhere more local, you only have to give the house or building number, and the street name.
Becky: A good thing to know once your food arrives is it is actually okay not to tip in France. It is not considered rude. Some people round the total up to the nearest euro, but not everyone. So don't worry if you are strapped for cash!
Candice: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You're going to make a call for delivery. Ready? Here we go!
Becky: What do you search for online to find restaurants that deliver?
Yasmine: livraison de nourriture
Becky: How would you say "I would like to order...please”?
Yasmine: Bonsoir, je voudrais commander... s'il vous plaît
Becky: How do you say "please deliver to..." in French?
Yasmine: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au..."s'il vous plaît?
Becky: In what order do you give your address in French?
Yasmine: Numéro de la maison, l'appartement, nom de la rue, arrondissement.
Becky: Great job!
Yasmine: livraison de nourriture
Yasmine: Bonsoir, je voudrais commander... s'il vous plaît
Yasmine: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au..."s'il vous plaît?
Yasmine: Numéro de la maison, l'appartement, nom de la rue, arrondissement.


Candice: Bon travail! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, you will be able to order delivery over the phone. Enjoy! À la prochaine!
Restaurant worker: Allô? Ici "super pizza," j'écoute!
Mark: Bonsoir, j'aimerais commander une pizza jambon-fromage, une pizza aux légumes et une pizza quatre fromages s'il vous plaît.
Restaurant worker: Et avec ceci?
Mark: Une bouteille de Coca s'il vous plaît.
Restaurant worker: D'accord.
Mark: Vous pouvez livrer la commande au 111, rue de France, s'il vous plaît?
Restaurant worker: Très bien, votre commande vous sera livrée dans une demi-heure.
Mark: Merci.
Restaurant worker: Au revoir.
Mark: Au revoir.

