
Vocabulary (Review)

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Christophe: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Christophe!
Céline: Bonjour! Et moi c’est Céline.
Sam: Sam here. Hi, my name is Sam and I’m joined here by...
Céline: Christophe.
Christophe: Et Céline.
Céline: Hello everyone!
Christophe: Bonjour tout le monde!
Céline: Comment ça va Sam? Comment ça va Christophe?
Christophe: Très bien, merci.
Sam: Moi aussi très bien et toi?
Céline: Ça va. Ça va.
Céline: Sam, I have a surprise for you.
Sam: A surprise! What is it?
Céline: I’ll rest while you play Robert’s coworker and Sylvain will play Robert.
Sam: Huh? But my French isn’t so hot, you know.
Christophe: You can do it, Sam. Like the Little Engine That Could? Imagine that Robert and his colleague are in the streets.
Céline: Robert is chatting with his colleague, while he’s waiting for someone from his family to leave work and go home. So “à tout de suite” after my three minute’s nap.
Sam: Three minute nap?
Céline: Oui!
Sam: oh, ok. Sorry. Shall we start?
Céline: Allez c’est parti!
Céline: Bonjour, Monsieur.
Christophe: Bonjour, Mademoiselle.
Sylvain: Henri, voici ma fille Aurélie.
Céline: Papa, qui est-ce?
Sylvain: C’est mon collègue.
Sam: One more time, slowly.
Céline: Encore une fois, lentement.
Céline: Bonjour, Monsieur.
Christophe: Bonjour, Mademoiselle.
Sylvain: Henri, voici ma fille Aurélie.
Céline: Papa, qui est-ce?
Sylvain: C’est mon collègue.
Sam: One more time with the English.
Céline: Encore une fois, avec l’anglais.
Céline: Bonjour, Monsieur.
Sam: Hello, sir.
Christophe: Bonjour, Mademoiselle.
Sam: Hello, miss.
Sylvain: Henri, voici ma fille Aurélie.
Sam: Henry, this is my daughter Aurélie.
Céline: Papa, qui est-ce?
Sam: Dad, who is this?
Sylvain: C’est mon collègue.
Sam: This is my colleague.
Christophe: J’ai une question pour vous Sam et Céline. Avez-vous déjàa rencontré une personne qui vous a marquée?
Sam: So the question was, have we met anyone who’s left a lasting impression on us.
Céline: Souvent.
Christophe: Really?
Céline: Yeah. Always. I mean, usually. Yeah. Et toi, Christophe?
Christophe: Moi? Always!
Céline: Ah ben tu vois!? Qu’est-ce que c’est que cette question??... Et toi Sam?
Sam: Someone that’s left a lasting impression on me? There’s a lot of people. It wouldn’t be fair to say just one. But…
Céline: Moi?!
Sam: Of course, of course you, Céline.
Céline: Ah tu vois! Ben bien sûr.
Sam: I guess that’s the right answer.
Céline: Exactement. C’est ce que tu aurais dû répondre Christophe. You should have said that, Christophe.
Christophe: Désolé.
Céline: Yeah, ok. No problem. So let’s go to the vocab?
Sam: Sounds good.
Sam: The first item is...
Christophe: Monsieur.
Sam: Mister.
Christophe: Monsieur. Monsieur.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Mademoiselle.
Sam: Miss
Céline: Mademoiselle. Mademoiselle.
Sam: Next.
Christophe: Voici.
Sam: Here is.
Christophe: Voici. Voici.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Mon.
Sam: My, masculine possessive.
Céline: Mon. Mon.
Christophe: Ma.
Sam: My, feminine possessive.
Christophe: Ma. Ma.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Collègue
Sam: Colleague or coworker.
Céline: Collègue. Collègue.
Sam: And lastly.
Christophe: C’est.
Sam: It is.
Christophe: C’est. C’est.
Sam: Now let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is...
Christophe: Voici.
Céline: Voici is used to show something or introduce someone.
Sam: Ok, that sounds pretty easy, but could you give us an example or some examples?
Céline: Let’s say you’re making a presentation and want to show a useless invention. One way to present it is by saying, “Voici le protège-moustache”.
Sam: The mustache protector? That sounds quite useless.
Céline: It was invented and used in the 20th century.
Christophe: Let’s not forget the other use of “voici”. When introducing a person to a friend as in “Céline, voici Sam, notre animateur.”
Sam: So what you said was “Céline, this is our host, Sam.” Ok. I got it. So guys, let’s see how that came out in the dialogue. “Voici”. Can we hear it again?
Céline: Exactement. Robert says, “Henri, voici ma fille Aurélie.”
Sam: Ah. “Robert, this is my daughter, Aurélie.”
Céline: Exactement.
Sam: Oh, that’s how “voici” is used in the conversation. That makes it even clearer, I think, now. Ok. How about our next word, “mon”.
Christophe: Par exemple, j’ai un trou dans mon pantalon et ma culotte.
Sam: So, I think you said you have a hole in your pants and your underwear?
Céline: Ah sup… ah ça c’est parfait hein, c’est bien, bravo!
Christophe: Ben oui c’est ça.
Sam: Ok, that’s interesting.
Céline: Yeah. I mean, I don’t really care, but-- Ok, and in the dialogue, Robert said, “voici ma fille”.
Sam: Here’s my daughter. Ma fille.
Céline: Exactement. Ma fille. So “ma” is feminine and “mon” is masculine. “Mon collègue”
Sam: Ma fille.
Céline: Ma fille. Mon collègue.
Sam: Oh, ok. That was clearly illustrated. Thank you.
Céline: Mais, avec plaisir!
Sam: For my pleasure. Thank you. You’re too kind.
Céline: Ok, how about the last word?
Christophe: The last word is “collègue”.
Sam: An example, please.
Céline: Je travaille en équipe avec mes collègues de travail.
Christophe: I work on a team with my coworkers.
Sam: That’s easy. “Collègue.” “Colleague.” “Coworker.” I Got it! I think “collègue” is a masculine noun?
Céline: Yes. That’s why the “mon collègue”.
Sam: Oh! You’re quick.
Céline: Exactement.
Sam: Ok, let’s move on to our grammar.

Lesson focus

Céline: Sam! C’est mon micro!
Sam: It’s your mic? I’m sure it’s your microphone. Oh, that brings us to the grammar point, right? Possession and possessives.
Céline: Exactement!
Sam: Oh, I see. Like in the story, we heard “mon collègue” and “ma fille”.
Céline: Oui c’est ça. When “mon” and “ma” are used, it’s definitely a mark of possession.
Christophe: Sure. They’re possessive adjectives.
Sam: So “ma” is for feminine nouns, and “mon” for masculine nouns.
Céline: You got it, Sam. But there’s something you should know.
Christophe: Yes! Of course! You can also say “mon amie Marianne” or “mon orange” or “mon idée”.
Sam: I don’t get it. I thought “mon” was only for masculine nouns. Ok, so when you said “mon amie Marianne”, you said “my friend, Marianne” , “mon orange”, “my orange”, “mon idée” “my idea”. But those are all feminine nouns!
Céline: Yes, that’s right. It would be too simple if there wasn’t any loop in the grammar rule in French.
Christophe: Sam, I understand your pain. “Orange” and “idée” as well as “amie” are all feminine nouns with one particularity.
Céline: They all start with a vowel. When nouns begin with a vowel as A, E, I, O, or Y, use “mon” instead of “ma”.
Sam: Interesting. And strange.
Christophe: Yes. It’s French language.


Sam: Ok guys. I think that’s a good spot to end.
Céline: Tout à fait!
Sam: Ok. So let’s end there, so have a nice day, and we’ll see you next time.
Christophe: Bonne journée!
Céline: À bientôt!
Sam: See you next time. Bye-bye.


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Dialog (Formal)

