
Vocabulary (Review)

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My dear listeners, today we're going to take a trip to the post office.

Lesson focus

Now, the post office in France is la poste.
La poste
You will recognize it thanks to its blue and gold logo and it represents a flying folded envelope.
Today we're going to work on getting your postcards, letters, and packages home. The expression to accomplish this is "I'd like to send this to" and then the desired country. For today's lesson, we'll use New York.
In French, "I'd like to send this to New York" is Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
Let’s break it down by syllable: Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
Now let's hear it once again: Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
The first words, je voudrais, mean "I would like,"
Let's break down these words and hear them one more time: je voudrais
And, je voudrais.
Next, we have envoyer ceci, which in English is "to send this."
envoyer ceci
envoyer ceci
Finally, we have à, which means "to," and the name of the city you’re sending it to follows next.
So all together, we have Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York. Literally, this means "I would like to send this to New York."
Let's look at all the words. We were talking about packages, letters and postcards so let’s try to send a postcard!
"Postcard" in French is une carte postale.
une carte postale
Now let’s break it down by syllable: une carte postale
Now let's hear it once again: une carte postale
"I would like to send this postcard to New York." in French is Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Let’s break it down by syllable: Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Now let's hear it once again: Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Note the demonstrative adjective cette right before carte postale, and that means “this.”
Cette carte postale is "this postcard."
All together, we have Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Now let’s try with the word “letter,” which in French is une lettre.
une lettre.
"I would like to send this letter to New York." in French is Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
As you can notice, we substituted the word for “postcard” with “letter.”
And now, finally, let’s try to send a package.
In French, "I would like to send this package to New York." is Je voudrais envoyer ce colis à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer ce colis à New York.
"Package" in French is un colis.
Let’s break it down by syllable and hear it one more time: un colis
And, un colis
In our phrase, before un colis, we use the masculine demonstratiive adjective ce.
Again, ce.
So altogether, we have - Je voudrais envoyer ce colis à New York.
Alright, that’s it for today. Thank you for listening, bye-bye!


Okay, to close out this lesson, we'd like you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for shouting it aloud. You have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so bonne chance, that means “good luck” in French.
“I'd like to send this to New York" - Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer ceci à New York.
"I would like to send this postcard to New York." - Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
"I would like to send this letter to New York."- Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer cette carte postale à New York.
"I would like to send this package to New York." - Je voudrais envoyer ce colis à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer ce colis à New York.
Je voudrais envoyer ce colis à New York.
Alright, that’s going to do it for today.

