Jessi: Jessi: How long have you been studying French? |
Jessi: In each lesson of this 25 part series, you'll master a common question for French learners, and then learn how to answer it like a native. You'll learn how these key phrases work by breaking them down into each component. Then through repetition and new vocabulary, you'll expand your understanding of the question, its answers, and any variations. You'll also improve pronunciation and fluency by repeating the words and phrases out loud after hearing them. |
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn how to respond to the common question "How long have you been studying French?" In French, this is |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français? |
The first word in the question “How long have you been studying French?” is |
Ingrid: Depuis |
Jessi: "meaning since" in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) Depuis |
Jessi: Listen again at natural speed. Please repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis |
Jessi: This pattern of first introducing a word at natural speed, providing the English translation, breaking it down by syllable, and then giving it once more at natural speed will be repeated throughout the series. Try to speak aloud as often as possible. The next word in the question, How long have you been studying French? is |
Ingrid: combien |
Jessi: meaning something like how in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) combien |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: combien |
Listen to the the first 2 words of the question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien |
And next |
Ingrid: de |
Jessi: meaning of in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) de |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: de |
Listen to the the first 3 words of the question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de |
And next |
Ingrid: temps |
Jessi: meaning something like long in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) temps |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: temps |
Listen to the the first 4 words of the question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps |
And next |
Ingrid: étudiez |
Jessi: meaning study in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) étudiez |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: étudiez |
Listen to the the first 5 words of the question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez |
And next |
Ingrid: vous |
Jessi: meaning you in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) vous |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: vous |
Listen to the the first 6 words of the question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez vous |
And next |
Ingrid: le |
Jessi: meaning something like the in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) le |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: le |
Listen to the the first 7 words of the question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez vous le |
And after that |
Ingrid: français |
Jessi: meaning French in English. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) français |
Jessi: Now repeat. |
Ingrid: français |
Listen to the entire question and repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez vous le français |
Jessi: You will hear this common question again and again throughout your studies. Master the following pattern and responses to the question How long have you been studying French?? |
Ingrid: Depuis 1 mois. |
Jessi: "For 1 month.. Again, slowly. Repeat the phrase. |
Ingrid: (Slow) Depuis 1 mois. |
Depuis |
adverb |
n/a |
Jessi: But let's break it down from the beginning. The first word: |
Ingrid: Depuis |
Jessi: meaning since. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) Depuis |
Jessi: Now repeat |
Ingrid: Depuis |
Jessi: And next |
Ingrid: 1 |
meaning 1. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) 1 |
Jessi:Now repeat. |
Ingrid: 1 |
Jessi: And next |
Ingrid: mois |
meaning month. |
Ingrid: (Slow, by syllable) mois |
Jessi:Now repeat. |
Ingrid: mois |
Jessi: Listen to the speaker say, For 1 month., and then repeat. |
Ingrid: Depuis 1 mois. |
Jessi: To expand on the pattern, replace 1 with 2. |
Ingrid: 2 |
Jessi: 2 |
Ingrid: (slow) 2 (regular) 2 |
Jessi: Listen to the phrase again, this time with 2 |
Ingrid: Depuis 2 mois. |
Jessi: It mostly stays the same. Simply replace 1. Say For 2 month. |
Ingrid: Depuis 2 mois. |
Jessi: To expand on the pattern, replace 2 with 3. |
Ingrid: 3 |
Jessi: 3 |
Ingrid: (slow) 3 (regular) 3 |
Jessi: Listen to the phrase again, this time with 3 |
Ingrid: Depuis 3 mois. |
Jessi: It mostly stays the same. Simply replace the word for 2. Say For 3 month. |
Ingrid: Depuis 3 mois. |
Jessi: To make another phrase, replace 3 with 5. |
Ingrid: 5 |
Jessi: 5 |
Ingrid: (slow) 5 (regular) 5 |
Jessi: Listen to the phrase again, this time with 5 |
Ingrid: Depuis 5 mois. |
Jessi: It mostly stays the same. Simply replace the word for 3. Say For 5 month. |
Ingrid: Depuis 5 mois. |
Now it's time for a quiz. Imagine you are visiting France and a stranger asks you how long you have been studying [language]. You have been studying it for 1. Respond to the question. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français? (five seconds) Depuis 1 mois. |
Jessi: Imagine you've been studying it for 2 Respond to the question. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français? (five seconds) Depuis 2 mois. |
Jessi: Imagine you've been studying it for 3. . Answer the speaker's question. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français? (five seconds) Depuis 3 mois. |
Jessi: Imagine you're 5. Respond to the question. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français? (five seconds) Depuis 5 mois. |
Jessi: You want to learn how long the stranger has been studying . Ask the question. |
Ingrid: Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français? |
Jessi: This is the end of Lesson 6. |
HidePlease give us your answer to the question below!
Bonjour Jessica,
Petite correction : j'apprends le français depuis un mois. 😉
Bon travail !
Belle journée,
Bonjour! Je m’apelle Jessica ❤️
Je m’apprends français depuis une mois
Bonjour! Je m’appel Jessica
J’apprends français pour une mois
Bonjour Son,
Merci pour ton message ! Pour donner une durée, on utilise "depuis", pas "pour". Tu apprends le français DEPUIS deux mois. C'est bien en tout cas, continue comme ça ! 😄
À bientôt,
Je m'appelle Son.
J'apprends le français pour deux mois.
Bravo Ani il faut continuer comme ça ! ?
Bon week-end !
Marie Alice
Bonjour ,
Je m'appelle Anirudh . J'apprends le français depuis une semaine ?
Bonjour Kirsteen et merci pour votre commentaire !
Il faut dire "j'apprends le français depuis trois mois maintenant".
Bonne journée et à bientôt !
Marie Alice
J'ai appris Le français pour trois moins maintenant.
Bonjour Oyun,
Thank you for posting.
Please check out the past tense, present tense and future tense detailed explanations at our Lesson Grammar Points Search:
In this case, please select the point you want to study in "By Category:", for example: select "past tense" and then click on "GO".
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.:wink:
Bonjour.Marie Alice. Could u tell me about past, present, future tences in French?
Merci Marie Alice. Je vais bien.
Je vous en prie Gloria !
Avec plaisir :smile:
J'espère que vous allez bien !
Bonne journée !
Marie Alice
Mille mercis Marie Alice.
Bonjour Gloria !
J'espère que vous allez bien ! :smile:
Je vous remercie pour votre commentaire !
Vous progressez en français, et c'est très bien ! :smile:
Continuez comme ça ! :thumbsup: (keep up the hard work !)
Attention il faut dire :
l’allemand – depuis sept mois
et l’espagnol – depuis peut-être quarante ans.
A bientôt !
Marie Alice
Cela fait quatre mois que j'apprends le français:
l'alemand – depuis sept mois
et l'espagnol – depuis peut-être quarente ans.
In the PFD I make a game out of the Sample Sentences. I cover up the French and then I try to translate the English sentences into French. This really helps me.
Bonjour Ryan !
Il faut dire : cela fait sept mois que j'apprends le français !
Merci pour votre commentaire,e t si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas !
A bientôt !
Marie Alice
J'ai appris français pour sept mois maintenant. (I have been learning french for 7 months.)